First copy the repository into a catkin workspace, then build it by suing the following commands:
cd catkin_ws
catkin build traffic_light
source devel/setup.bash
You need first to start the roscore:
Then if you only need 1 traffic_light Marker run:
rosrun traffic_light traffic_light
If u want more traffic_light Markers you can modify the traffic_light launch file witch add 4 traffic lights.
To change the state of the traffic light you can use run:
rosrun traffic_light
And for multiple traffic lights u can change and use the change_state and pub_state launch files witch ask for a number between 1 and 6.
To change the position and orientation of the traffic light you can use run:
rosrun traffic_light
And for multiple traffic lights u can change and use the place_light and pub_location launch files witch ask for it's new position in xyz and it's quadric orientation.
Based on the number send by change_state the traffic light has the following states:
Traffic light's state -> Topic(string): /traffic_light_state
Traffic light's position and orientation -> Topic(geometry_msgs/Pose): /traffic_light_placement
Traffic light Marker ->Topic(Marker): /Marker