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Smart Cargo Assignment

Author: Alexandre Proença
Date: 16/10/2020
Local: Florianópolis - Brazil

The Python version used on this project is 3.8.5 - available at


Given a list of trucks and their current locations and a list of cargos and their pickup and delivery locations, ​​find the optimal mapping of trucks to cargos to minimize the overall distances the trucks must travel​​.


  1. Each truck can only carry up to one cargo.
  2. Each truck can only make up to one trip.
  3. Some trucks may not be used at all.

The solution should be achieved by running the command below:

$ cargo_truck ​<​cargo_file​>​ ​<​truck_file​>

For example:

$ cargo_truck data/cargo.csv data/truck.csv

The solution should generate a ​results.csv​ file in the root of the directory. The first row is the header ​cargo, truck, distance​.


  • cargo: the cargo that will be moved.
  • truck: the truck that will move the cargo.
  • distance: how many ​miles​ the truck will travel, from truck's origin to cargo's origin and to final destination. The distance must consider only one trip, not a round trip. The number must be a float round up to two decimal places.
  • Rows must be sorted by distance (ASC)

Structure of the Repository

Repository structure is a crucial part of project’s architecture, it must be compatible with each kind of application, in this case a command line application.

├── Makefile
├── app
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── assets
│   ├── BE Challenge.pdf
│   ├── cargo.csv
│   └── trucks.csv
├── notebooks
│   └── Developing notes.ipynb
├── requirements
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── requirements-dev.txt
│   ├──
│   └── requirements-prod.txt
├── setup.cfg
├── tests
│   └──
└── tox.ini
Location app
Propose The code of interest.
Location assets
Propose Files used in development.
Location notebooks
Propose Notes about algorithm development.
Location requirements
Propose Development dependencies.
Location tests
Propose Package integration and unit tests.
Location ./Makefile
Propose Generic management tasks.
Location ./
Propose Package and distribution management.

Versioning of application

The application versioning follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.

Security cares

- Modern version of Python
- Pin dependencies
- Hash dependencies
- Add SAST testing using Bandit
- Dependency analysis tools

Project development and technical decisions

This shortest path problem can be solved by many manners, a good way to find the shortest distance between two points and preserve the original order of input data is check the distance sequencialy, it can be done with a nested FOR loop, but the complexity will be O(n^2), what is worst case to huge data beacouse iteration grows exponentialy, the good way to search this distance is use a search binary tree, and reduce complexity to O(kn log n) if n points are presorted in each of k dimensions using an O(n log n), but this presorted not preserve the original input data order, but can handle searching faster. So if we run the two solutions we can see some diferences in results beacouse some truck came first on the sequancial list than when it came from a binary search tree. I implemented the two ways, it gives the user an option to work with huge data if input data order preservation is not a problem , or preserve the original data order if he wants.

I tried use a Kd-Tree, avaliable on scipy.spatial.cKDTree, but this library can't bring unique results, we need assign the cargo to the truck and ignore it on the next search, one options is implement kd-tree by hand and mapping busy trucks, other approuch is simpler, and can work very well with few and medium records on file, once it works with nested FOR loop in memory, keep in mind of the complexity is O(n^2).
Thinking about make a professional application that can handle a huge lists of cargo and truck I chossed implement kd-tree by hand, follow below some articles that helps me to develop this CLI, also inside of notebook folder you can see my notes and follow my train of thought.

Building a static k-d tree from n points has the following worst-case complexity:

  • Querying an axis-parallel range in a balanced k-d tree takes O(n1−1/k +m) time, where m is the number of the reported points, and k the dimension of the k-d tree.
  • Finding 1 nearest neighbour in a balanced k-d tree with randomly distributed points takes O(log n) time on average.


Continuous integration

A good way to do automatic deploys is use some service of continuous integration, I use to work with Travis CI on my public projects it helps me to deploy directly on Pypi

CI environment uses separate virtualenv instances for each Python version. This means that as soon as you specify language: python in .travis.yml your tests will run inside a virtualenv (without you having to explicitly create it). System Python is not used and should not be relied on. If you need to install Python packages, do it via pip and not apt.

Virtual Environment

The recommended way to install this package is install it inside a virtualenv.

$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate


Install all dependency packages, for security reasons was generated packages hashes to avoid install poisoned packages.
To install this CLI just type commands below in root directory

$ make

To install development dependencies

$ make development

How to run the solution

To use the application just use the command line below, the order of files must be respected, the first parameter refers to cargo file and the second parameter refers to truck file, you must use the relative path to both.

Preserve input order data
$ cargo_truck <relative/path/cargo.csv> <relative/path/trucks.csv>

Use to handle huge input data but not preserve input data order 
$ cargo_truck <relative/path/cargo.csv> <relative/path/trucks.csv> --huge true

Running tests

To run tests and see the coverage just type command below.

$ make test


Before commit your changes make sure that you verified the commands below.

$ make pretty
$ make secure

Tests and coverage

$ make test

Rise the app version

$ bump2version <major>|<minor>|<patch>

If all good feel free to commit and submit your changes :) avoid use push force, let's preserve git history ;)


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