ACS-8393: actions service (lightweight pub/sub) #3053
on: pull_request
14 errors, 23 warnings, and 16 notices
[Create Actions] › src/tests/create-library.e2e.ts:115:9 › Create Libraries › On My Libraries dataTable › [C280025] Create a public library:
1) [Create Actions] › src/tests/create-library.e2e.ts:115:9 › Create Libraries › On My Libraries dataTable › [C280025] Create a public library
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
Locator: locator('adf-breadcrumb .adf-breadcrumb-item[title=playwright-library-1o5yd]')
Expected: visible
Received: hidden
Call log:
- expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('adf-breadcrumb .adf-breadcrumb-item[title=playwright-library-1o5yd]')
118 | await expect(libraryDialog.getLabelText(libraryIdLabel)).toHaveValue(randomLibraryName);
119 | await;
> 120 | await expect(libraryBreadcrumb.getItemByTitle(randomLibraryName)).toBeVisible();
| ^
121 |
122 | await myLibrariesPage.navigate();
123 | await expect(libraryTable.getCellByColumnNameAndRowItem(randomLibraryName, publicVisibility)).toBeVisible();
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/create-actions/src/tests/create-library.e2e.ts:120:73
[Upload Download Actions] › src/tests/upload.e2e.ts:80:7 › Upload files › [T14752052] Upload dialog remains fixed in the browser when user performs other actions in parallel:
1) [Upload Download Actions] › src/tests/upload.e2e.ts:80:7 › Upload files › [T14752052] Upload dialog remains fixed in the browser when user performs other actions in parallel
Error: {"error":{"errorKey":"Person 'user-504w4' already exists.","statusCode":409,"briefSummary":"06111212 Person 'user-504w4' already exists.","stackTrace":"For security reasons the stack trace is no longer displayed, but the property is kept for previous versions","descriptionURL":"","logId":"64fda39e-e5b3-46c2-a7b0-761d998bf26a"}}
at Request.callback (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/node_modules/superagent/src/node/index.js:875:17)
at fn (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/node_modules/superagent/src/node/index.js:1165:18)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/node_modules/superagent/src/node/parsers/json.js:19:7)
[Viewer] › src/tests/viewer-action.e2e.ts:198:7 › viewer action file › [MNT-21058] Upload new version action when node is locked:
1) [Viewer] › src/tests/viewer-action.e2e.ts:198:7 › viewer action file › [MNT-21058] Upload new version action when node is locked
Error: 'Cancel Editing' button shouldn't be shown
Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeHidden()
Locator: locator('.mat-menu-content .mat-menu-item[title=\'Cancel Editing\']')
Expected: hidden
Received: visible
Call log:
- 'Cancel Editing' button shouldn't be shown with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('.mat-menu-content .mat-menu-item[title=\'Cancel Editing\']')
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <button tabindex="0" role="menuitem" mat-menu-item="" ar…>…</button>
- unexpected value "visible"
209 |
210 | await personalFiles.acaHeader.clickViewerMoreActions();
> 211 | await expect(personalFiles.matMenu.cancelEditingAction, `'Cancel Editing' button shouldn't be shown`).toBeHidden();
| ^
212 | await expect(personalFiles.matMenu.editOfflineAction, `'Edit Offline' should be shown`).toBeVisible();
213 | });
214 |
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/viewer/src/tests/viewer-action.e2e.ts:211:107
[Delete Actions] › src/tests/delete-undo-delete.e2e.ts:119:9 › Delete and undo delete › on Personal Files › [C217125] delete a file and check notification:
1) [Delete Actions] › src/tests/delete-undo-delete.e2e.ts:119:9 › Delete and undo delete › on Personal Files › [C217125] delete a file and check notification
Error: expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
Expected: " Showing 1--1 of -1 "
Received: " Showing 1-12 of 12 "
129 | expect(await personalFiles.dataTable.isItemPresent(file1)).toBeFalsy();
130 | items--;
> 131 | expect(await personalFiles.pagination.getMaxRange()).toEqual(` Showing 1-${items} of ${items} `);
| ^
132 | await trashPage.navigate();
133 | expect(await personalFiles.dataTable.isItemPresent(file1)).toBeTruthy();
134 | });
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/delete-actions/src/tests/delete-undo-delete.e2e.ts:131:60
[Delete Actions] › src/tests/delete-undo-delete.e2e.ts:119:9 › Delete and undo delete › on Personal Files › [C217125] delete a file and check notification:
1) [Delete Actions] › src/tests/delete-undo-delete.e2e.ts:119:9 › Delete and undo delete › on Personal Files › [C217125] delete a file and check notification
Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Error: expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
Expected: " Showing 1--1 of -1 "
Received: " Showing 1-12 of 12 "
129 | expect(await personalFiles.dataTable.isItemPresent(file1)).toBeFalsy();
130 | items--;
> 131 | expect(await personalFiles.pagination.getMaxRange()).toEqual(` Showing 1-${items} of ${items} `);
| ^
132 | await trashPage.navigate();
133 | expect(await personalFiles.dataTable.isItemPresent(file1)).toBeTruthy();
134 | });
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/delete-actions/src/tests/delete-undo-delete.e2e.ts:131:60
[Copy Move Actions] › src/tests/destination-picker-dialog.e2e.ts:89:7 › Copy Move actions › [C263877] Contributor user can select the folder as destination:
1) [Copy Move Actions] › src/tests/destination-picker-dialog.e2e.ts:89:7 › Copy Move actions › [C263877] Contributor user can select the folder as destination
Test timeout of 150000ms exceeded.
[Copy Move Actions] › src/tests/destination-picker-dialog.e2e.ts:89:7 › Copy Move actions › [C263877] Contributor user can select the folder as destination:
1) [Copy Move Actions] › src/tests/destination-picker-dialog.e2e.ts:89:7 › Copy Move actions › [C263877] Contributor user can select the folder as destination
Error: Test timeout of 150000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('adf-datatable .adf-cell-value span[role="link"]').filter({ hasText: 'site-a14lt' })
at ../../../projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:196
194 | */
195 | async performClickFolderOrFileToOpen(name: string): Promise<void> {
> 196 | await this.getCellLinkByName(name).click();
| ^
197 | await this.spinnerWaitForReload();
198 | }
199 |
at DataTableComponent.performClickFolderOrFileToOpen (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:196:40)
at copyContentInMyLibraries (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/copy-move-actions/src/tests/destination-picker-dialog.e2e.ts:76:37)
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/copy-move-actions/src/tests/destination-picker-dialog.e2e.ts:92:11
[Search] › src/tests/search-filters-logic.e2e.ts:146:7 › Search - Filters - Logic › [C699504] Filter with all options:
1) [Search] › src/tests/search-filters-logic.e2e.ts:146:7 › Search - Filters - Logic › [C699504] Filter with all options
Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
Expected: 1
Received: 0
155 | await searchPage.dataTable.progressBarWaitForReload();
156 |
> 157 | expect(await searchPage.dataTable.getRowsCount()).toBe(1);
| ^
158 | await expect(searchPage.dataTable.getRowByName(;
159 | await expect(searchPage.dataTable.getRowByName(;
160 | });
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/search/src/tests/search-filters-logic.e2e.ts:157:55
[Search] › src/tests/search-filters-properties.e2e.ts:69:7 › Search - Filters - Properties › [C699046-2] Filter by size - At most 1MB:
2) [Search] › src/tests/search-filters-properties.e2e.ts:69:7 › Search - Filters - Properties › [C699046-2] Filter by size - At most 1MB
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toBeVisible()
Locator: locator('adf-datatable adf-datatable-row').filter({ hasText: '10oda-fileNameKb.pdf' })
Expected: visible
Received: hidden
Call log:
- expect.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('adf-datatable adf-datatable-row').filter({ hasText: '10oda-fileNameKb.pdf' })
72 |
73 | await expect(searchPage.searchFilters.propertiesFilter).toContainText('Properties: At Most 1 MB');
> 74 | await expect(searchPage.dataTable.getRowByName(fileNamePdfKb)).toBeVisible();
| ^
75 | await expect(searchPage.dataTable.getRowByName(fileNameJpgMb)).toBeHidden();
76 | });
77 |
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/search/src/tests/search-filters-properties.e2e.ts:74:68
[List Views] › src/tests/personal-files.e2e.ts:62:9 › Personal Files › Regular user's personal files › [C217143] has default sorted column:
1) [List Views] › src/tests/personal-files.e2e.ts:62:9 › Personal Files › Regular user's personal files › [C217143] has default sorted column
Test timeout of 85000ms exceeded.
[List Views] › src/tests/personal-files.e2e.ts:62:9 › Personal Files › Regular user's personal files › [C217143] has default sorted column:
1) [List Views] › src/tests/personal-files.e2e.ts:62:9 › Personal Files › Regular user's personal files › [C217143] has default sorted column
Error: locator.innerText: Test timeout of 85000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('adf-datatable .adf-datatable__header--sorted-asc .adf-datatable-cell-header-content .adf-datatable-cell-value,\n .adf-datatable__header--sorted-desc .adf-datatable-cell-header-content .adf-datatable-cell-value')
at ../../../projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:270
268 |
269 | async getSortedColumnHeaderText(): Promise<string> {
> 270 | return this.sortedColumnHeader.innerText();
| ^
271 | }
272 |
273 | private getItemLocationEl(name: string): Locator {
at DataTableComponent.getSortedColumnHeaderText (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:270:36)
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/list-views/src/tests/personal-files.e2e.ts:64:44
[List Views] › src/tests/recent-files.e2e.ts:100:7 › Recent Files › [C280486] Location column redirect - file in folder:
2) [List Views] › src/tests/recent-files.e2e.ts:100:7 › Recent Files › [C280486] Location column redirect - file in folder
Error: {"error":{"errorKey":"Person 'user-1ufnv' already exists.","statusCode":409,"briefSummary":"06111379 Person 'user-1ufnv' already exists.","stackTrace":"For security reasons the stack trace is no longer displayed, but the property is kept for previous versions","descriptionURL":"","logId":"3d1f0f93-71a3-453d-a5a5-62750e5ce827"}}
at Request.callback (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/node_modules/superagent/src/node/index.js:875:17)
at fn (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/node_modules/superagent/src/node/index.js:1165:18)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/node_modules/superagent/src/node/parsers/json.js:19:7)
[List Views] › src/tests/trash.e2e.ts:102:9 › Trash › Regular user's personal files › [C280496] Location column redirect - file in folder:
3) [List Views] › src/tests/trash.e2e.ts:102:9 › Trash › Regular user's personal files › [C280496] Location column redirect - file in folder
Test timeout of 85000ms exceeded.
[List Views] › src/tests/trash.e2e.ts:102:9 › Trash › Regular user's personal files › [C280496] Location column redirect - file in folder:
3) [List Views] › src/tests/trash.e2e.ts:102:9 › Trash › Regular user's personal files › [C280496] Location column redirect - file in folder
Error: Test timeout of 85000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('adf-datatable adf-datatable-row').filter({ hasText: 'file-1xct2.txt' }).locator('.aca-location-link')
at ../../../projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:289
287 |
288 | async clickItemLocation(name: string): Promise<void> {
> 289 | await this.getItemLocationEl(name).click();
| ^
290 | }
291 |
292 | async getSortingOrder(): Promise<string> {
at DataTableComponent.clickItemLocation (/home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/projects/aca-playwright-shared/src/page-objects/components/dataTable/data-table.component.ts:289:40)
at /home/runner/work/alfresco-content-app/alfresco-content-app/e2e/playwright/list-views/src/tests/trash.e2e.ts:103:33
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3. For more info:
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/save@v3. For more info:
Unit tests: aca-shared
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3. For more info:
Unit tests: aca-content
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - authentication
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - navigation
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - info-drawer
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - folder-rules
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - share-action
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - favorite-actions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Protractor - editActions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3, actions/upload-artifact@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - create-actions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - upload-download-actions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - pagination
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - viewer
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - delete-actions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - special-permissions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - copy-move-actions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - search
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - list-views
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
E2E Playwright - library-actions
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3, actions/setup-node@v3, actions/cache/restore@v3. For more info:
The following actions uses Node.js version which is deprecated and will be forced to run on node20: actions/checkout@v3. For more info:
Deprecation notice: v1, v2, and v3 of the artifact actions
The following artifacts were uploaded using a version of actions/upload-artifact that is scheduled for deprecation: "editActions".
Please update your workflow to use v4 of the artifact actions.
Learn more:
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
5 passed (34.7s)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
16 passed (2.1m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
18 passed (2.3m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
14 passed (2.2m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
15 passed (2.3m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
9 passed (1.2m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[Create Actions] › src/tests/create-library.e2e.ts:115:9 › Create Libraries › On My Libraries dataTable › [C280025] Create a public library
19 passed (2.7m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[Upload Download Actions] › src/tests/upload.e2e.ts:80:7 › Upload files › [T14752052] Upload dialog remains fixed in the browser when user performs other actions in parallel
28 passed (3.1m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
11 passed (3.0m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[Viewer] › src/tests/viewer-action.e2e.ts:198:7 › viewer action file › [MNT-21058] Upload new version action when node is locked
26 passed (3.9m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[Delete Actions] › src/tests/delete-undo-delete.e2e.ts:119:9 › Delete and undo delete › on Personal Files › [C217125] delete a file and check notification
22 passed (4.1m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
64 passed (5.7m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
1 flaky
[Copy Move Actions] › src/tests/destination-picker-dialog.e2e.ts:89:7 › Copy Move actions › [C263877] Contributor user can select the folder as destination
22 passed (6.6m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
2 flaky
[Search] › src/tests/search-filters-logic.e2e.ts:146:7 › Search - Filters - Logic › [C699504] Filter with all options
[Search] › src/tests/search-filters-properties.e2e.ts:69:7 › Search - Filters - Properties › [C699046-2] Filter by size - At most 1MB
44 passed (6.3m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
3 flaky
[List Views] › src/tests/personal-files.e2e.ts:62:9 › Personal Files › Regular user's personal files › [C217143] has default sorted column
[List Views] › src/tests/recent-files.e2e.ts:100:7 › Recent Files › [C280486] Location column redirect - file in folder
[List Views] › src/tests/trash.e2e.ts:102:9 › Trash › Regular user's personal files › [C280496] Location column redirect - file in folder
61 passed (9.4m)
🎭 Playwright Run Summary
19 passed (5.1m)
Produced during runtime
Name | Size | |
2.13 MB |