- Create a “Destination” entity with the following fields: name, description, price, duration of the trip, image of the destination.
- Set up a database to store destinations
- Create a home page that displays the list of destination with their images and descriptions. Each destination should have a link so the user can click and access to the details of the destination
- Allow users to click on a destination to view the full details of that destination.
- Implement a basic authentication system for administrators.
- Add a backoffice where administrators can create, update and delete destinations.
- Expose a REST API for Destination, the API should no security token is needed
- Create a Symfony command that GET all destinations via the API and export them into a CSV like the example below
name | description | price | duration |
Paris | 3 nights in an hotel | 100 | 7 days |
Tunis | 10 in a villa with a swimming pool | 200 | 17 days |
And so on... |
- You should use the Symfony framework (latest version)
- Don't waste time with CSS, we don't care for the exercice
- Add automated tests if possible
- Record avideo of the project with the functionalities
Contact me at contact[at]smaine.me
in case of question.