This project is 2020 summer project of brain and cognitive society ,Science and Technlogy council , IIT Kanpur. As the name suggests it is meant for leveraging the computer with the ability of classifying seven basic emotions using the facial expressions of humans.The seven basic emotions we're gonna classify are:
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Disgust
- Fear
- Surprise
- Contempt
We used the extended cohn kanade (CK+) dataset which can be found here
The reference paper we used is this reasearch paper published on springer.
We performed the following preprocessing methods:
We will be making a Sequential model comprising of using two convolutional layers (conv2D), two MaxPooling2D layers , a Flatten layer followed by a output Dense layer with softmax activation , with adam optimizer and categorical crossentropy loss.
We have evaluated our model on three different cropping methods:
- Cropping with background
- Cropping without background
- Cropping without forehead
Also we varied the neuron number of hidden dense layer as 0, 256, 512, 1024. And we performed a ten fold cross validation on our model keeping the cropping method fixed (without background) but varying the neuron number.
The link to the whole assembled code is here.
For running the model , just run the python script
The results of various evaluation methods we used are illustrated in this table :
No. of neurons | Accuracy graph | Confusion matrix |
0 | Link | Link |
256 | Link | Link |
512 | Link | Link |
1024 | Link | Link |
No. of neurons | Accuracy graph | Confusion matrix |
0 | Link | Link |
256 | Link | Link |
512 | Link | Link |
1024 | Link | Link |
No. of neurons | Accuracy graph | Confusion matrix |
0 | Link | Link |
256 | Link | Link |
512 | Link | Link |
1024 | Link | Link |
We have done a ten-fold cross validation on our dataset. Following the research paper , it was done with same cropping method (without background) but with different neuron numbers.
No. of neurons | Accuracy |
0 | 97.96 |
256 | 98.27 |
512 | 96.62 |
1024 | 97.14 |
On the paper | On our Model |
97.38 | 97.49 |