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Development toolchain

The backend uses Django, so you'll need to install the packages in requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt. How you do that is up to you (there are too many opinions). The frontend uses React, so you'll need to install those dependencies with npm install.

To run the entire stack, start the backend via runserver, and then cd frontend && HTTPS=true npm start.

Deploying the site

To deploy:

DATABASE_URL=sqlite:// GITREV=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` collectstatic --noinput
git push heroku master
heroku config:set GITVERSION=`git rev-parse --short HEAD`
heroku run python migrate

Updating certs

There is a task for updating the certs in fab renew_cert. A bunch of questions will be asked of you, and then you'll be prompted to put some data on the server. Set the key provided to CERTBOT_KEY in settings and then redeploy. At that time, the key will be updated.

Create a superuser

To create a new superuser, do shell pointed at the production database, and then:

from udoco.models import Official
o = Official.objects.get(email=<email>)
o.is_admin = True
o.is_staff = True
o.is_superuser = True

The user will now be able to navigate to to add leagues, etc.

Update to social

When updating to social-auth from python-social-auth, I had to do the following:

$ echo "update django_migrations set app='social_django' where app='default';" | heroku pg:psql --app udoco
$ heroku run python migrate social_django 0001 --fake
$ heroku run python migrate social_django