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X. Database

Berit edited this page Nov 14, 2023 · 1 revision

The Docker infrastructure runs a PostgreSQL container. We can create backups of the database within this container, as well as restore the database.

Backup the PostgreSQL database

Run the following command in the console to back up the database:

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "pg_dump aml -Fc > /backups/<filename>.dump"

Use this command to make daily backups, numbered by the day of the month:

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "pg_dump aml -Fc > /backups/backup-$(date +"%d").dump"

The backups are stored on the docker volume db_backup which mirrors /backups from the Postgresql container.

Restore the postgreSQL database

Always stop the backend container first:

docker stop aml-experiments_server_1

Then drop, create and restore the database:

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "dropdb aml"

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "createdb aml"

docker-compose run --rm db bash -c "pg_restore -d aml /backups/<filename>.dump"

Restart the backend container: (or alternatively rebuilt the containers as descibed above)

docker start aml-experiments_server_1
