This repository contains heuristics, also meta-heuristics implemented to solve a generic backpack problem; it owns 3 methods:
- Path and neighborhood heuristics
- GRASP (Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure)
- Genetic algorithm approach
Each one of those can be set using a ".env" file, this file is too important, it contains all the environmental data, that this implementation uses, there are some notes about its configurations process below
This implementation require at least nodejs version 16, using npm or yarn to handle with modules (Usage section uses npm); you will also need a python3 compiler at least version 10 and pip if you want to use the graphics module to see your metrics using some plots; its recommended to use virtual environments since this implementation currently is NOT using docker. Once you have installed all the needed dependencies create a ".env" file using ".env.example" as a template
To generate an ".env" file using the ".env.example" file as a template you can use the command:
touch .env
cat .env.example > .env
code .env # Or nano .env or vim .env
A quick example of configuration can be this one (You can copy-past it):
If you used vim press i to write, move with arrows then esc esc; then type ":wq"
To install install node dependencies using npm it is as simple as run:
npm install
There should be a new folder named "node_modules", once the folder is there you can use npm scripts, to make the file system create folders samples logs plots or simple run:
npm run init
Then you need some data to run the software, you can use a command to generated data, that data is different every time you run the command, but you can also load your own data if you follow the structure of the generated files, to get a sample use:
npm run gen
You can log the process using 2 options one of those is by setting LOGGER to 1 on your .env file, the other is by running a command this command generates a .txt file containing all the process followed by the algorithms:
npm run log
This command might not work on Windows
To get plots from a process, you need to keep some data as a file, this implementation uses a command for that, to generated those plots as images there is another command, but this is quite simple to use, just run it as follows:
npm run start k
npm run image
There is one last command to clean old data that eventually you could not need, if you need it to, you can clean information from logs and samples using:
npm run clean
To create a virtual environment first close any previous one, to prevent overwriting some other dependencies using:
Then create and run a new virtual environment to make graphics module work using:
python3 -m venv graphics
source graphics/bin/activate
You should see an icon or prompt with the label "graphics", on your terminal, if it is so, then install dependencies
python -m pip install -r python_requirements.txt
Note: This configuration explanation was made thinking on linux users, it should also work on Mac; Windows users have to make this using default Win GUI
Options | Command |
Max cost | npm run start k c |
Min volume | npm run start k v |
Max cost over volume | npm run start k o |
Max k factor | npm run start k k |
npm run start
andnpm run start k
uses randomness to define schemes