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FriendConnect-Docker | Discord
Run FriendConnect through Podman or Docker
- Q: I see Podman is recommended over Docker. What if I already have Docker installed? Will Podman break anything?
- A: Don't worry, Podman is completely separate from Docker and can run alongside it without breaking anything. You absolutely can have both on your system.
- You will need Podman (Recommended) or Docker installed. Click on whichever you want, then go to your distribution's instructions.
- You will also need podman-compose for Podman or docker-compose for Docker (included in the Docker Engine installation)
- You can install podman-compose with pip
pip install podman-compose
- Create a folder for this service and go into the directory
mkdir ~/FriendConnect && cd ~/FriendConnect
- Download the Dockerfile and podman-compose.yml file from this repository
- Configure the env variables you want, such as adding an xbox account, pointing the IP and Port to your server, etc.
- Start the service
podman-compose up -d
- Link your xbox account
podman-compose logs
You're done! Join the Community Discord Server if you have any questions.
- Create a folder for this service and go into the directory
mkdir ~/FriendConnect && cd ~/FriendConnect
- Download the Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file from this repository
- Configure the env variables you want, such as adding an xbox account, pointing the IP and Port to your server, etc.
- Start the service
docker compose up -d
- Link your xbox account
docker compose logs
You're done! Join the Community Discord Server if you have any questions.