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sample size and power for random catch sizes
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AngusMcLure committed Apr 2, 2024
1 parent 7869d32 commit a8010fb
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Expand Up @@ -17,4 +17,6 @@ export(pois_catch)
238 changes: 206 additions & 32 deletions R/power.R
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#' `sample_size_pool()` calculate the sample size required for a pooled survey
#' to achieve a specified power.
#' @param sample_size numeric The total number of units across the whole sample.
#' Should be greater than `pool_size * pool_number`
#' @param pool_size numeric The number of units per pool. Must be a numeric
#' value or vector of values greater than 0.
#' @param pool_number numeric The number of pools per cluster. Must be a integer
#' value or a vector of integer values greater than or equal to 1.
#' @param cluster_number numeric The total number of clusters in a cluster
#' survey design (should be greater than 1) or 1 surveys where all collection
#' happens at a single site or collected via simple random sampling from the
#' target population.
#' @param catch_dist An object of class `distribution` (e.g. produced by
#' `nb_catch()`) defining the distribution of the possible catch.
#' @param pool_strat function Defines a rule for how a number of units will be
#' divided into pools. Must take a single numeric argument and return a named
#' list of pool sizes and pool numbers. `pool_max_size()` and
#' `pool_target_number()` provide convenience functions for defining common
#' pooling strategies.
#' @param prevalence_null,prevalence_alt numeric The proportion of units that
#' carry the marker of interest (i.e. true positive). `prevalence_null` is the
#' threshold to compare to and `prevalence_alt` is the design prevalence. Must
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,51 +55,66 @@
#' @param link string Transformation to be applied to prevalence estimates for
#' the purposes of calculating confidence intervals. Options are 'identity'
#' (i.e. no transformation), 'logit' (default), 'cloglog' and 'log'.
#' @param max_iter numeric Maximum number of iterations (possible catch sizes)
#' to consider when calculating expected FI over random catch sizes. Generally
#' needs to be large enough so that the nearly all catch sizes will be less
#' than `max_iter` otherwise algorithm will terminate early (with a warning)
#' @param rel_tol numeric Relative tolerance for determining convergence when
#' calculating expected FI over random catch sizes. Must be positive and
#' should be much smaller than 1.
#' @return The statistical power of the proposed design with regards to
#' comparing prevalence to a threshold (`power_pool()`) or a list with the
#' sample size (number of sites, pools, and units) required to achieve desired
#' power (`sample_size_pool()`)
#' sample size (number of clusters, pools, and units) required to achieve
#' desired power (`sample_size_pool()`)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' power_pool(sample_size = 1000, pool_size = 10, pool_number = 2,
#' power_pool(pool_size = 10, pool_number = 2, cluster_number = 50,
#' prevalence_null = 0.01, prevalence_alt = 0.02)
#' sample_size_pool(pool_size = 10, pool_number = 2,
#' prevalence_null = 0.01, prevalence_alt = 0.02)
#' power_pool(sample_size = 1000, pool_size = 10, pool_number = 2,
#' power_pool(pool_size = 10, pool_number = 2, cluster_number = 50,
#' prevalence_null = 0.01, prevalence_alt = 0.02,
#' correlation = 0.01)
#' sample_size_pool(pool_size = 10, pool_number = 2,
#' prevalence_null = 0.01, prevalence_alt = 0.02,
#' correlation = 0.01)
#' power_pool_random(nb_catch(20,25), pool_target_number(2), cluster_number = 50,
#' prevalence_null = 0.01, prevalence_alt = 0.02,
#' correlation = 0.01)
#' sample_size_pool_random(nb_catch(20,25), pool_target_number(2),
#' prevalence_null = 0.01, prevalence_alt = 0.02,
#' correlation = 0.01)

power_pool <- function(sample_size, pool_size, pool_number, prevalence_null, prevalence_alt,
power_pool <- function(pool_size, pool_number, cluster_number,
prevalence_null, prevalence_alt,
correlation = 0, sensitivity = 1, specificity = 1,
sig_level = 0.05, alternative = 'greater',
form = 'beta', link = 'logit'){
if(sample_size < pool_size*pool_number){
stop('The total number of units in sample (sample_size) must be greater than the pool size times pool number (pool_size * pool_number)')
form = 'logitnorm', link = 'logit'){
if(correlation > 0 & cluster_number <= 1){
stop('The number of clusters (cluster_number) must be (substantially) greater than 1 if there is non-zero correlation between units in a cluster')

if(correlation > 0 & cluster_number <= 10){
warning('Estimated power may be unreliable if number of clusters (cluster_number) is less than 10')

if(correlation == 0 & cluster_number * pool_number <= 10){
warning('Estimated power may be unreliable if total number of pools (cluster_number * pool_number) is less than 10')

thetaa <- prevalence_alt
theta0 <- prevalence_null

# The idea here was that the hypothesis test would be for mu rather than theta, with
# the idea that this would be equivalent to a test on theta, i.e. if mu0 =
# g(theta0)<g(thetaa) = mua then theta0 < thetaa. However, this is not true
# since differences in rho/correlations allows for theta0 > thetaa

# if(real.scale & form %in% c('logitnorm', 'cloglognorm')){ g <- function(x){
# #calculate mu from theta and rho .var <- correlation * x * (1-x)
# mu_sigma_linknorm(x,.var, link = switch(form, logitnorm = stats::qlogis,
# cloglognorm = cloglog), invlink = switch(form, logitnorm = plogis,
# cloglognorm = cloglog_inv))[1] } gdivinv <- function(x){1}
# }else{
g <- switch(link,
logit = stats::qlogis,
cloglog = cloglog,
Expand All @@ -102,9 +126,8 @@ power_pool <- function(sample_size, pool_size, pool_number, prevalence_null, pre
cloglog = function(x){-log1p(-x) * (1-x)},
log = function(x){x},
identity = function(x){1})
# }

fia <- sample_size/(pool_size*pool_number) * gdivinv(thetaa)^2 /
fia <- cluster_number * gdivinv(thetaa)^2 /
solve(fi_pool_cluster(pool_size = pool_size,
pool_number = pool_number,
prevalence = thetaa,
Expand All @@ -113,7 +136,7 @@ power_pool <- function(sample_size, pool_size, pool_number, prevalence_null, pre
specificity = specificity,
form = form))[1,1]
fi0 <- sample_size/(pool_size*pool_number) * gdivinv(theta0)^2 /
fi0 <- cluster_number * gdivinv(theta0)^2/
solve(fi_pool_cluster(pool_size = pool_size,
pool_number = pool_number,
prevalence = theta0, #should this be theta0 or thetaa?
Expand All @@ -136,12 +159,87 @@ power_pool <- function(sample_size, pool_size, pool_number, prevalence_null, pre
#' @rdname power_pool
#' @export

power_pool_random <- function(catch_dist, pool_strat, cluster_number,
prevalence_null, prevalence_alt,
correlation = 0, sensitivity = 1, specificity = 1,
sig_level = 0.05, alternative = 'greater',
form = 'logitnorm', link = 'logit',
max_iter = 10000, rel_tol = 1e-6){

exp_pools <- ev(\(catch) sum(pool_strat(catch)$pool_number),
catch_dist, max_iter, rel_tol) * cluster_number

if(correlation > 0 & cluster_number <= 1){
stop('The number of clusters (cluster_number) must be (substantially) greater than 1 if there is non-zero correlation between units in a cluster')
}else if(cluster_number < 1){
stop('The number of clusters (cluster_number) must be at least 1.')

if(correlation > 0 & cluster_number <= 10){
warning('Estimated power may be unreliable if number of clusters (cluster_number) is less than 10')

if(correlation == 0 & exp_pools <= 10){
warning('The expected number of pools from this survey is less than ', ceiling(exp_pools),
'. Estimated power may be unreliable if total number of pools is less than 10')

thetaa <- prevalence_alt
theta0 <- prevalence_null

g <- switch(link,
logit = stats::qlogis,
cloglog = cloglog,
log = log,
identity = function(x){x})

gdivinv <- switch(link,
logit = function(x){x * (1-x)},
cloglog = function(x){-log1p(-x) * (1-x)},
log = function(x){x},
identity = function(x){1})

fia <- cluster_number * gdivinv(thetaa)^2 /
solve(fi_pool_cluster_random(catch_dist = catch_dist,
pool_strat = pool_strat,
prevalence = thetaa,
correlation = correlation,
sensitivity = sensitivity,
specificity = specificity,
form = form,
max_iter = max_iter,
rel_tol = rel_tol-6))[1,1]

fi0 <- cluster_number * gdivinv(theta0)^2 /
solve(fi_pool_cluster_random(catch_dist = catch_dist,
pool_strat = pool_strat,
prevalence = theta0, #should this be theta0 or thetaa?
correlation = correlation,
sensitivity = sensitivity,
specificity = specificity,
form = form,
max_iter = max_iter,
rel_tol = rel_tol-6))[1,1]

power <- switch(alternative,
less = stats::pnorm(((g(theta0) - g(thetaa)) - stats::qnorm(1-sig_level)/sqrt(fi0)) * sqrt(fia)),
greater = stats::pnorm(((g(thetaa) - g(theta0)) - stats::qnorm(1-sig_level)/sqrt(fi0)) * sqrt(fia)),
two.sided = stats::pnorm(((g(theta0) - g(thetaa)) - stats::qnorm(1-sig_level/2)/sqrt(fi0)) * sqrt(fia)) +
stats::pnorm(((g(thetaa) - g(theta0)) - stats::qnorm(1-sig_level/2)/sqrt(fi0)) * sqrt(fia)),
stop('invalid alternative. options are less, greater, and two.sided')

#' @rdname power_pool
#' @export

sample_size_pool <- function(pool_size, pool_number,
prevalence_null, prevalence_alt,
correlation = 0, sensitivity = 1, specificity = 1,
power = 0.8, sig_level = 0.05,
alternative = 'greater',
form = 'beta',
form = 'logitnorm',
link = 'logit'){
thetaa <- prevalence_alt
theta0 <- prevalence_null
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,15 +268,15 @@ sample_size_pool <- function(pool_size, pool_number,
log = function(x){x},
identity = function(x){1})

unit_fia <- 1/(pool_size*pool_number) * gdivinv(thetaa)^2 /
fia <- gdivinv(thetaa)^2 /
solve(fi_pool_cluster(pool_size = pool_size,
pool_number = pool_number,
prevalence = thetaa,
correlation = correlation,
sensitivity = sensitivity,
specificity = specificity,
form = form))[1,1]
unit_fi0 <- 1/(pool_size*pool_number) * gdivinv(theta0)^2 /
fi0 <- gdivinv(theta0)^2 /
solve(fi_pool_cluster(pool_size = pool_size,
pool_number = pool_number,
prevalence = theta0,
Expand All @@ -188,12 +286,88 @@ sample_size_pool <- function(pool_size, pool_number,
form = form))[1,1]

# Note that the below is correct for either kind of one-sided test, but not for two sided tests
ssraw <- ((stats::qnorm(power)/sqrt(unit_fia) + stats::qnorm(1 - sig_level)/sqrt(unit_fi0))/(g(theta0) - g(thetaa)))^2
total_clusters_raw <- ((stats::qnorm(power)/sqrt(fia) + stats::qnorm(1 - sig_level)/sqrt(fi0))/(g(theta0) - g(thetaa)))^2

total_sites <- ceiling(ssraw/(pool_number * pool_size))
total_pools <- total_sites * pool_number
total_clusters <- ceiling(total_clusters_raw)
total_pools <- total_clusters * pool_number
total_units <- total_pools * pool_size

return(list(sites = total_sites, pools = total_pools, units = total_units))
return(list(clusters = total_clusters, pools = total_pools, units = total_units))


#' @rdname power_pool
#' @export

sample_size_pool_random <- function(catch_dist, pool_strat,
prevalence_null, prevalence_alt,
correlation = 0, sensitivity = 1, specificity = 1,
power = 0.8, sig_level = 0.05,
alternative = 'greater',
form = 'logitnorm', link = 'logit',
max_iter = 10000, rel_tol = 1e-6){
thetaa <- prevalence_alt
theta0 <- prevalence_null

if(!(alternative %in% c('less', 'greater'))){
stop('currently only supports one-sided tests. Valid options for alternative are less and greater')

if(alternative == 'less' & theta0 < thetaa){
stop('If alternative == "less", then prevalence.altnerative must be less than or equal to prevalence_null' )

if(alternative == 'greater' & theta0 > thetaa){
stop('If alternative == "greater", then prevalence.altnerative must be greater than or equal to prevalence_null' )

g <- switch(link,
logit = stats::qlogis,
cloglog = cloglog,
log = log,
identity = function(x){x})

gdivinv <- switch(link,
logit = function(x){x * (1-x)},
cloglog = function(x){-log1p(-x) * (1-x)},
log = function(x){x},
identity = function(x){1})

fia <- gdivinv(thetaa)^2 /
solve(fi_pool_cluster_random(catch_dist = catch_dist,
pool_strat = pool_strat,
prevalence = thetaa,
correlation = correlation,
sensitivity = sensitivity,
specificity = specificity,
form = form,
max_iter = max_iter,
rel_tol = rel_tol-6))[1,1]
fi0 <- gdivinv(theta0)^2 /
solve(fi_pool_cluster_random(catch_dist = catch_dist,
pool_strat = pool_strat,
prevalence = theta0, #should this be theta0 or thetaa?
correlation = correlation,
sensitivity = sensitivity,
specificity = specificity,
form = form,
max_iter = max_iter,
rel_tol = rel_tol-6))[1,1]

# Note that the below is correct for either kind of one-sided test, but not for two sided tests
total_cluster_raw <- ((stats::qnorm(power)/sqrt(fia) + stats::qnorm(1 - sig_level)/sqrt(fi0))/(g(theta0) - g(thetaa)))^2

total_clusters <- ceiling(total_cluster_raw)
exp_total_units <- round(mean(catch_dist) * total_clusters,1)
exp_total_pools <- round(ev(\(catch) sum(pool_strat(catch)$pool_number),
catch_dist, max_iter, rel_tol) * total_clusters, 1)

return(list(clusters = total_clusters,
expected_pools = exp_total_pools,
expected_units = exp_total_units))


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