This repository will contain all resources to do with my Advanced Computer Architecture coursework.
In this coursework I will build an instruction set architecture as well as a
super-scalar processor simulator for it. I will be coding this in rust
, which
is a new language for me so excuse any novice tendancies!
Disclaimer! This will likely have bugs in it, and should not be used for any important work!
As this project is written in Rust, you will need to install the Rust toolchain.
Fortunately there exists a script (which I have bundled in the project) that will install this to user-space on Linux based machines. In order to build the project run:
$ make rust-install # Installs Rust
$ source ~/.cargo/env # Loads PATH
$ make run # Builds and runs
Or run your own command with (refer below for arguments):
$ ./target/release/daybreak <args>
Once in the simulator:
arrow keys allow you to navigate states of the simulator, forwards and backwards in time.- The
bar will pause and un-pause the simulation. Esc
to quit.
Note: Backwards in time is limited to the last 250 entries, and un-pausing is only possible from the latest state.
And finally, should you wish to clean up the project and remove everything installed:
$ make clean # Cleans project
$ make rust-remove # Removes Rust
The most up to date information should from `./daybreak --help
Project Daybreak 0.1.0
Anthony W. <[email protected]>
A superscalar, out of order, riscv32im simulator.
daybreak [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE>
-h, --help Prints help information
-r, --return-stack Enables the Return Address Stack.
-V, --version Prints version information
--alu <N>
Sets the number of Arithmetic Logic Units. [default: 1]
--blu <N>
Sets the number of Branch Logic Units. [default: 1]
-b, --branch-prediction <branch-prediction>
Sets the branch prediction mode. [default: twobit] [possible values: off, onebit,
twobit, twolevel]
-i, --issue-limit <N>
Sets a limit to the number of instructions issued and committed per cycle. Setting this
to 0 is interpreted as the number of execute units. [default: 1]
--mcu <N>
Sets the number of Memory Control Units. [default: 1]
-n, --n-way <N>
Sets the 'n-way-ness' of the fetch, decode and commit stages. [default: 1]
--rob <N>
Sets the number of entries in the reorder buffer. [default: 32]
--rsv <N>
Sets the number of entries in the reservation station. [default: 16]
<FILE> Specifies a path to elf file to execute in the simulator.
Some options are not configurable from the command line, these are:
- Execution lengths/Per-instruction blocking is defined at
- Execute Unit pipeline length is defined at