Flopkart is an e-commerce website that provides a seamless shopping experience with a dedicated cart feature. Users can sign up, add items to their carts, and retrieve their cart information upon login.
- Anwin Antony github.com/Anwin-127
- Jishnu Suresh Embed perosnal github URL
- Explaining the working of project
- So first we navigate to the getStarted page where a get Started button exists.If you press that it redirect you to a login/signup page.On signup, a database is created in firebase for every user to enable cart service. On login, user retrieves his database for reviewing previous cart items. Then we navigate to home page where we come across on a list of shopping items. This data is retrieved from fakestore api.
- Explore Docs
- Embed video of project demo
Bootstrap v5.3.2
clone this rep to a directory.
npm start
Run npm start on the project directory(Syntax-error/website/EcommerceApp)