Update at 2018/12/16: Release tiny MML player function and Xmas music player.
I developed and released softwere for FlashAir-Roulette.
This roulette was designed as FlashAir hands‐on experience for kids & students.
And the parts kit provided as an extra bonus when FlashAir was purchased at Maker Fair Tokyo 2018.
The parts list and circuit diagrams are available from the following site.
FlashAir Developers .. Maker Fair Tokyo 2018
Check your FlashAir and firmwere version.
v4.00.03 for W-04 or v3.00.02 for W-03 requires.
Please save the LUA folder with files in the root folder of FlashAir.
Add the following parameters to FlashAir's /SD_WLAN/CONFIG file.
Incidentally, /SD_WLAN is a hidden folder, so let's use a tool that can handle hidden folders.
Volume is supported 2 levels. V>=12 or not.
cf. Modern MML https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_Macro_Language
game1.lua: Roulette
Power on without pressing anything. After about 5 seconds, the No.1 LED lights up.
game2.lua: Two LED roulette
Turn on the power while holding down the A button, and release the No.2 LED lights up.
game3.lua: Demonstlation lit
Hold down the B button and turn on the power, and release the No.3 LED lights up.
game4.lua: Wi-Fi detector
Hold down the A and B buttons and turn on the power, then release A button the No.4 LED lights up.
It periodically scans surrounding APs and displays the maximum received power.
8 is the maximum, 1 is the minimum.
Xmas1.lua: Xmas music player
Hold down the A and B buttons and turn on the power, then release B button the No.4 LED lights up.
A button:replay and change ratio of sound.
B button: next music.