The Pharmacy Management System is a C++ program that allows users to manage drugs in a pharmacy store. It provides functionality for both administrators and buyers to perform various operations such as adding drugs, modifying drugs, deleting drugs, viewing drug lists, and generating receipts.
- Admin Menu: Administrators can access the admin menu to perform administrative tasks. Admin username: Apn7 , password: 1234.
- Buyer Menu: Buyers can access the buyer menu to view drugs and generate a receipt for their purchases.
- Add Drug: Administrators can add a new drug to the system by providing details such as drug ID, name, strength/volume, cost, discount, and expiry date.
- Modify Drug: Administrators can modify existing drug records by searching for a drug ID and updating its details.
- Delete Drug: Administrators can delete a drug record by providing its drug ID.
- View Drugs: Buyers can view the available drugs in the store.
- Generate Receipt: Buyers can select drugs and quantities to purchase and generate a receipt with the total amount and discounted prices.
To run the Pharmacy Management System on your local machine, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository or download the source code files.
- Open the code files in a C++ compatible IDE or text editor.
- Compile and build the code using a C++ compiler.
- Run the compiled executable file.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate the menus and perform the desired operations.
The Pharmacy Management System code does not have any external dependencies. It uses standard C++ libraries.
Contributions to the Pharmacy Management System are welcome! If you find any bugs, issues, or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
The Pharmacy Management System code is released under the open source
This program is a simple implementation of a pharmacy management system and may not include all the features and functionalities required for a real-world pharmacy store. Use it for learning purposes and customize it as needed for your specific requirements.
The Pharmacy Management System code was written by,
Ekramul Alam
Roll: 2007071