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Links to various cpp patterns or tutorials

Tutorials / Links collections

Link Description
C++ Tip of The Week C++ Tip of The Week
C++ Developer Roadmap “Where should I start? What and in what order should I study? What books should I read?”
Awesome Modern C++ A collection of resources on modern C++.
Awesome C++ A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
awesome-hpp A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries
Single-file libraries Single-file public-domain/open source libraries with minimal dependencies
C++20/17/14/11 overview Summarized overview
Apress Source Code Source Code for 'Beginning C++ 23' by Ivor Horton and Peter Van Weert
cpp-cheat-sheet C++ Data Structures and Algorithms Cheat Sheet
More C++ Idioms Aimed toward: Anyone with an intermediate level of knowledge in C++ and supported language paradigms
CPP C++ Papyrus
C++ CHEATSHEET The cheatsheet focus is both on the language as well as common classes from the standard library.
sanfoundry C++ examples cover a wide range of programming areas in Computer Science
Cpp-Learning-Resources This document is a collection of high quality c++ learning materials for both new and experienced c++ programmers.
The Algorithms - C++ The repository is a collection of open-source implementation of a variety of algorithms implemented in C++
atomics C++ links: atomics, lock free, memory model
Cpp20 This is the code repository for my book "C++20 - Get the Details"
croc Clean Architecture
GETTERS AND SETTERS This article deals with getters and setters in C++.
C++17 STL Cookbook This is the code repository for C++17 STL Cookbook, published by Packt.
30 Seconds of C++ 30 Seconds of C++ (STL in C++)
Cloud Design Patterns These design patterns are useful for building reliable, scalable, secure applications in the cloud.
part 1 Messaging Patterns in Service-Oriented Architecture
part 2 Messaging Patterns Catalogue Within SOA Context
Queueing theory Queueing theory: an introduction for software development
CPlusPlusThings This repository meets the need of people who wants to really know about C++
Operators A highly efficient, move-aware operators library
C++ Patterns - Patterns A repository of modern C++ patterns curated by the community.
CPP/C Repository for C++/C codes and algos.
CPP C++ Papyrus Notes about modern C++, C++11, C++14 and C++17, Boost Libraries, ABI, foreign function interface and reference cards.
Dependency Injection Pattern tutorial on Dependency Injection Pattern and related topics: Dependency inversion principle (DIP), Inversion of control (IoC) principle, and Dependency Injection Container (aka IoC container).
Dependency Injection - a 25-dollar term for a 5-cent concept examples of DI implementation with pros/cons
Programming in C/C++ Efficiently Lecture notes, projects and other materials for Course 'CS205 C/C++ Program Design' at Southern University of Science and Technology.
60 terrible tips for a C++ developer 60 terrible coding tips — and explanations of why they are terrible
C++ performance guidelines about avoiding pessimization, and fixing low hanging-fruits for improving performance.
Igor's C++ Grimoire Igor's C++ Grimoire aims to be a reasonably complete reference to C++11, C++14 and C++17
LearnCpp Whether you’ve had any prior programming experience or not, the tutorials on this site will walk you through all the steps to write, compile, and debug your C++ programs, all with plenty of examples.
hacking C++ collection of various C++ learning resources.
Concurrency_With_Modern_Cpp Concurrency with modern C++
STL Preview C++26 STL for C++14~ developers
C++ links A categorized list of C++ resources.


Link Description
CMake Cookbook This repository collects sources for the recipes contained in the CMake Cookbook
Templates for CMake projects Blog
CMake Scripts A selection of useful scripts for use in CMake projects, include code coverage, sanitizers, and dependency graph generation.
Awesome CMake A curated list of awesome CMake resources, scripts, modules and examples.

Reactive systems

Link Description
C++ Reactive Programming Book covers the essential functional reactive concepts that will help you build highly concurrent, event-driven, and asynchronous applications in a simpler and less error-prone way
RxCpp The Reactive Extensions for C++ (RxCpp) is a library of algorithms for values-distributed-in-time
tower120 Simple only reactive C++ library.
schlangster Data dependencies between state and event flows
snakster C++React is reactive programming library for C++14
Elma Elma is an event loop and process manager for embedded and reactive systems.
µReact Minimalistic reactive library for c++
ReactivePlusPlus One more implementation of ReactiveX approach in C++ with care about performance and templates in mind
reactor C++17 and reactor mode task/timer executor
ReCpp Reactive Extensions for C++


  • The Impossibly Fast C++ Delegates, Fixed
  • marcmo - Small delegate implementation.
  • bdiamand - Fixed-size C++ delegates - efficient alternatives to std::function.
  • nikitablack - C++ code tests and examples
  • EnTT - Generic, type-safe delegates in C++ (revised)
  • Asynchronous Multicast Delegates - A C++ delegate library that supports synchronous and asynchronous function invocation on any C++17
  • rosbacke - Embedded friendly std::function alternative. Never heap alloc, no exceptions. Is trivially_copyable.
  • gammasoft71 - Modern c++17 library containing multicast delegate and event classes on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and android.
  • Unbelievably Fast Delegate - Delegate is an unbelievably fast, lightweight, and 0-overhead function container.
  • Armillus - Blazing fast, lightweight, safe, heapless, non-templated and header-only replacement for std::function for C++ 17 and beyond.


  • ddinu - Generic observable objects and reactive expressions for C++
  • reactive-v4-observable - Event-driven library with statefull observable obejcts.
  • rocket - Fast C++ Observer Pattern
  • Sigslot - Sigslot is a header-only, thread safe implementation of signal-slots for C++.
  • Signals - library is optimized for video games. signal-slot-benchmarks!!! with sources of plenty libraries
  • observer_ptr - observer-ptr is a single-file header-only library with a variant of std::experimental::observer_ptr for C++98 and later.
  • Observable Library - Library to use the observer pattern in C++11 programs with observable/observer classes or signals/slots.
  • observer - An observer pattern / signal slot pattern that can ignore extra parameters like Qt's signals and slots.
  • prettybxp - An implementation of the observer pattern by c++11
  • Proto - A dependency free, single-header C++17 signals and slots implementation.
  • nano-signal-slot - Pure C++17 Signals and Slots


  • CPP-NotificationCenter - A C++ API inspired by Cocoa's NSNotificationCenter API.
  • bindey - provides the basic building block of MVVM -- an observable "Property" and a databinding mechanism.
  • BODEN - Property/Notifier
  • C++ PropertySystem - this library are a wrapper around a value and a signal
  • xproperty - C++ properties and observer pattern
  • EntityPlus - EntityPlus is an Entity Component System library
  • Event notifier - A C++ header-only library that lets you connect events to functions with a small and intuitive interface.
  • gammasoft71_properties - another c#-like property accessor for C++11 and above.
  • Tectu - A library that brings C# like properties to modern C++.
  • PropertyEvent - This header only repository include the files required for the creation of an event system (not thread safe).
  • RGBBinding - Rapidjson property binding
  • basic_property - Code samples from
  • EntityX - EntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system

MPMC queue (multi-consumer multi-producer)

  • moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue - An industrial-strength lock-free queue for C++.
  • Awesome Lock-Free - A collection of resources on wait-free and lock-free programming.
  • SeaStar - SeaStar is an event-driven framework allowing you to write non-blocking, asynchronous code in a relatively straightforward manner
  • eventpp - C++ library for event dispatcher and callback list
  • atomic_queue - C++11 multiple-producer-multiple-consumer lockless queues based on std::atomic<>
  • craflin - A lock-free multi-producer multi-consumer ring buffer FIFO queue.
  • SPSC_Queue - A highly optimized single producer single consumer message queue C++ template
  • WFMPMC - A bounded wait-free(almost) zero-copy MPMC queue written in C++11, which can also reside in SHM for IPC
  • lockfree_mpmc_queue - Lockfree, atomic, multi producer, multi consumer, C++, in process and inter-process queue
  • lockfree - Lockfree algorithms collection
  • C++ Lockless MP/MC Queue - A simple Lockless Multi-Producer, Multi-Consumer Queue Type. Written in Cpp
  • atomic_queues - Fast bounded MPMC and SPSC queues for C++20
  • riften::Deque - Fast, generalized, implementation of the Chase-Lev lock-free work-stealing deque for C++17
  • Lock Free Data Structures - Low latency lock free SPSC, SPMC, MPMC Queue and Stack. Fast SpinLock, SeqLock

Event bus

  • EventBus - Simple and very fast event bus
  • DeveloperPaul123 - eventbus is a simple, header only C++17 event bus library
  • courier - A simple, lightweight C++17 event bus/dispatcher.
  • mmcshane - It's an event bus. Subscribe to events. Publish events.
  • WormHoles - WormHoles is a multiplatform header-only library implementing a general and threadsafe event bus.
  • Events - Event system that allows for clients to attach callbacks to a host which then can be invoked at any time
  • PubBus - PubBus is a simple, header-only implementation of a MessageBus.
  • Microcontroller message bus - Microcontroller message bus
  • Ichor - C++ framework/middleware for thread confinement and dependency injection.
  • PhxQueue - A high-availability, high-throughput and highly reliable distributed queue based on the Paxos algorithm.
  • cyan - A lock-free, wait-free, event-driven, cross-platform, thread pool-backed asynchronous execution library in C++.

Threading, concurancy, task execution, timers

  • ThreadPool - This is a pure (which means it doesn't depend on any platform) and exception-safety C++ threadpool
  • cpptask - "cpptask" is an open source library which implements load balanced task scheduler for developing parallel C++ programs.
  • concurrencpp - concurrencpp is a tasking library for C++ allowing developers to write highly concurrent applications easily and safely by using tasks, executors and coroutines.
  • Async++ - Async++ is a lightweight concurrency framework for C++11
  • riften::Thiefpool - A blazing-fast, lightweight, work-stealing thread-pool for C++20
  • transwarp - C++ library for task concurrency
  • Marl - Marl is a hybrid thread / fiber task scheduler written in C++ 11.
  • q - A platform-independent promise library for C++, implementing asynchronous continuations.
  • enkiTS - Task Scheduler for creating parallel programs
  • lockfreepool - a lockfree thread pool
  • BlockingCollection - C++11 thread safe, multi-producer, multi-consumer blocking queue, stack & priority queue class
  • Smart Thread Pool - A smart C++11 thread pool. Efficiently schedule your threads using "Classify Thread Pool", "Priority Task Queue". And also provide "Self-Adaption Pool Capacity" policy, "State Monitor" of tasks and workers function.
  • Grid Dispatcher - Grid dispatcher is an extensible asynchronous header-only framework written in pure modern C++, including a M:N task scheduler (with coroutine support for C++ 20 optionally) and an advanced DAG-based task dispatcher.
  • psched - Priority-based Task Scheduling for Modern C++
  • thread-pool-cpp - High performance C++11 thread pool
  • Thread-Safe Timer Pool - Simple C++14 thread-safe timer pool.
  • TimerThread - This class impelements a threaded timer/clock system.
  • Callback Timer - Callback Timer: restart, pause, set_period, shutdown. Based On C++11.
  • thread-pool-cpp - High performance C++11 thread pool
  • C++11 Task Scheduler - Use functors, lambdas and std::chrono to schedule tasks in the near future
  • ThreadPool + jthread - Efficient, flexible parallel task execution in C++ using std::jthread. ThreadPool simplifies thread management and offers priority-based task scheduling with Deque or PriorityQueue.
  • Taskflow - A General-purpose Task-parallel Programming System using Modern C++
  • DeveloperPaul123-thread-pool - A modern, fast, lightweight thread pool library based on C++20

Actor frameworks

  • actor-zeta - virtual actor model implementation featuring lightweight & fast and more
  • microAkka - Akka framework in C++ on microcontrollers
  • C++ Actor Framework - The qb framework is a thin-layer multicore-optimized the Actor model
  • Rotor - rotor is event loop friendly C++ actor micro framework.
  • libagents - A multi-threaded C++11 implementation of the Actor Model
  • Theron - For sources and doc
  • Theron++: An Actor Framework for C++ - Theron++ is an actor framework conforming to the Theron API with extensions for distributed communication
  • RStein.AsyncCpp - threadless actors (agents)
  • sobjectizer - An implementation of Actor, Publish-Subscribe, and CSP models in one rather small C++ framework
  • qpcpp - for building modern embedded software as systems of asynchronous, event-driven active objects (actors)
  • protoactor-cpp - Ultra-fast, distributed, cross-platform actors.
  • artpaul - Actors are light-weight objects, and they interact fully asynchronously with messages.
  • christianparpart - Actor Model library. It was written purely out of fun.
  • Asynchronous Agents Library - The Agents Library is a C++ template library that promotes an actor-based programming model and in-process message passing for coarse-grained dataflow and pipelining tasks.
  • syscpp - ActorThread: Active Object pattern in C++
  • HAM-2015/CPP-Actor-framework -
  • libprocess - Library that provides an actor style message-passing programming model
  • ÎĽActor - ÎĽActor: Stateful Serverless at the Edge. Platform for running actors on various devices.
  • React++ - A lightweight C++ actor library. A thesis
  • nano-caf - A rapid tiny C++ actor framework for embedded system.
  • nano-caf-2 - a simple C++ actor framework for embedded system.
  • Sactor - A light-weighted actor model framework designed for small IoT devices based on FreeRTOS.
  • Yaaf - yet another actor framework. - C++ 14 actor framework
  • coroactors - Experimental actors with C++ coroutines


  • cpp-serializers - Benchmark comparing various data serialization libraries (thrift, protobuf etc.) for C++
  • FlatBuffers - cross platform serialization library
  • zpp serializer - A single header only standard C++ serialization framework.
  • Plain Old Data Serializer (PODS) - Fast and simple C++ serializer
  • DAW JSON Link v2 - Fast JSON serialization and parsing in C++
  • alpaca - Serialization library written in C++17 - Pack C++ structs into a compact byte-array without any macros or boilerplate code
  • zpp::bits - A lightweight C++20 serialization and RPC library. zpp serializer - same C++17
  • StructMapping - Mapping json to and from a c++ structure
  • Cista - Cista is a simple, high-performance, zero-copy C++ serialization & reflection library.
  • Bitsery - Header only C++ binary serialization library.
  • libnop: C++ Native Object Protocols - libnop is a header-only library for serializing and deserializing C++ data types without external code generators or runtime support libraries.


  • Native JSON Benchmark - C/C++ JSON parser/generator benchmark
  • ZenJSON - Lightweight, ultra fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with intuitive API
  • Fleece - A super-fast, compact, JSON-equivalent binary data format
  • Eonblast Fleece 0.3.1 Lite - Fleece is optimized for fastest Lua to JSON conversion and beats other JSON packages by around 10 times.
  • coreJSON Library - a parser that strictly enforces the ECMA-404 JSON standard and is suitable for low memory footprint embedded devices.
  • MiniJSON minijson_reader & minijson_writer - A simple, little-overhead, allocation-free, and extensible C++ JSON parser & writer
  • Glaze - Extremely fast, in memory, JSON and interface library for modern C++
  • Bourne - Bourne is a lightweight JSON de/serializer (C++11).
  • Jsonifier - A few classes for parsing and serializing objects from/into JSON, in C++ - very rapidly.

Key/Value store

Sometimes key/value store can replace configuration files, flat-file database, json files, log files

  • FlashDB - An ultra-lightweight database that supports key-value and time series data
  • LevelDB - LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values.
  • UnQLite - An Embedded NoSQL, Transactional Database Engine
  • CalicoDB - A tiny embedded, transactional key-value database
  • alphaKV - A simple key-value database, fast and lightweight.
  • FASTER - Fast persistent recoverable log and key-value store + cache, in C# and C++.
  • SKVDB - Embedded simple key-value database library written in C++17.
  • MMKV - An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
  • SimDB - A high performance, shared memory, lock free, cross platform, single file, no dependencies, C++11 key-value store
  • Litecask - A high performance single-header embeddable persistent key-value store with indexing capabilities
  • EmbedDB - EmbedDB Embedded Database for IoT and Sensors Supporting Key-Value and Relational Data
  • EasyFlash - Lightweight IoT device information storage solution: KV/IAP/LOG.
  • IncludeDB - Tiny key/value-store in a single, embeddable C file. For games, small servers, sbc, etc...
  • pupa key-value library - A simple and efficient key-value library that can be easily integrated into your projects.
  • C++ Cache implementation - C++ cache with LRU/LFU/FIFO policies implementation

Data reflection

  • Magic Enum C++ - Library provides static reflection for enums
  • USRefl - Header-only, tiny (99 lines) and powerful C++20 static reflection library.
  • meta.hpp - C++20 Dynamic Reflection Library
  • visit_struct - A miniature library for struct-field reflection in C++

Dependency Injection (DI), Inversion of Control, Lifecycle management

  • injector - Header-only, tiny and easy to use library for dependency injection written in C++17.
  • inject - Dependency injection for C++ - no macros, no code generation, no common base class
  • inversify-cpp - C++17 inversion of control and dependency injection container library.
  • solinject - C++17 Dependency Injection header-only library
  • kangaru - A dependency injection container for C++11, C++14 and later
  • cpp-di - A minimalistic C++17 dependency injection framework.
  • DI: Dependency Injection library - C++20 Dependency Injection library

Design pattern


  • Reckless logging - Low-latency, high-throughput, asynchronous logging library for C++.
  • ulog - Micro C/C++ log library suitable for use with lightweight embedded devices.
  • spdlog - Fast C++ logging library.
  • Binlog - A high performance C++ log library, producing structured binary logs
  • NanoLog - Low Latency C++11 Logging Library
  • NanoLogLite - A revised version of NanoLog which writes human readable log file, and is easier to use.
  • g3log - G3log is an asynchronous, "crash safe", logger that is easy to use with default logging sinks or you can add your own.
  • lwlog - Very fast synchronous and asynchronous C++17 logging library


  • Date - Several separate C++11/C++14/C++17 libraries for date topics. Timezone library, ISO week date calendar, Julian calendar, Islamic calendar.

Finite state machine

  • TinyFSM - simple finite state machine library for C++, designed for optimal performance and low memory footprint.
  • Another Finite State Machine - afsm is a finite state machine C++14 library designed for usage in multithreaded asynchronous environment.
  • HFSM2 - Header-only heriarchical FSM framework in C++11, with fully statically-defined structure (no dynamic allocations), built with variadic templates.
  • fea_state_machines - A buffet of state machines.
  • State machine - This repository contains code referenced in state-machine themed series of blog posts under
  • HSMCPP - C++ based Hierarchical / Finite State Machine library oriented for embedded and RTOS systems.
  • Finite State Machine for C++ - A simple, generic, header-only state machine implementation for C++.
  • cuestate - C++ template metaprogramming FSM


library: a collection of types, functions, classes, etc. implementing a set of facilities (abstractions) meant to be potentially used as part of more that one program.

  • Folly - Folly (acronymed loosely after Facebook Open Source Library) is a library of C++14 components designed with practicality and efficiency in mind. Folly contains a variety of core library components used extensively at Facebook.
  • Facebook Template Library - Fatal (Facebook Template Library) is a library for fast prototyping software in modern C++.
  • tools - header-only libraries written in modern C++ (11, 14, 17, 20).
  • C++ libraries - A curated list with C++ libraries
  • The Reactive C++ Toolbox - The Reactive C++ Toolbox is an open source library of C++20 components designed for efficient aynchronous IO network applications on the Linux platform.
  • FunctionalPlus - helps you write concise and readable C++ code.
  • Yato - useful snippets and abstractions for C++ development.
  • cppfan - A collection of C++ foundation class.
  • apex - providing shims for upcoming C++ standards library features
  • Flutter Engine - Flutter is Google's SDK for crafting beautiful, fast user experiences for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
  • libsolace - libSolace is a library to help to build a mission-critical application.
  • vrm_core - Lightweight C++14 utility library. (Modernized, stripped and cleaned-up version of SSVUtils.)
  • bs::framework - library that aims to provide a unified foundation for the development of real-time graphical applications, whether games, engines or tools
  • bx - Base library used across multiple projects
  • RxLib - collection of cpp patterns
  • eCAL - eCAL - enhanced Communication Abstraction Layer
  • CppCommon - C++ Common Library contains reusable components and patterns for error and exceptions handling, filesystem manipulations, math, string format and encoding, shared memory, threading, time management and others.
  • C++ utilities - Useful C++ classes and routines such as argument parser, IO and conversion utilities.
  • amp-embedded-infra-lib (EmIL) - amp-embedded-infra-lib is a set of C++ libraries and headers that provide heap-less, STL like, infrastructure for embedded software development
  • bit::stl Standard library - A header-only library of custom template types. This is the standard library for most personal libraries


  • GUI-lite - The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
  • Monochrome - Monochrome is an open source cross-platform GUI library
  • lxgui - GUI library
  • Nuklear - A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library
  • Light and Versatile Graphics Library - Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type. It's boosted by a professional yet affordable drag and drop UI editor, called SquareLine Studio.
  • Elements C++ GUI library - Elements is a lightweight, fine-grained, resolution independent, modular GUI library.


  • MobaXterm - MobaXterm provides all the important remote network tools (SSH, X11, RDP, VNC, FTP, MOSH, ...)
  • ghidra-sre - A software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools developed by NSA's Research Directorate in support of the Cybersecurity mission
  • JsonGrid - All-in-One Json solutions online
  • - Monitor and learn SQL Server for free.
  • DevToys - An Open-Source Swiss Army knife for developers.
  • CPPINCLUDE - Tool for analyzing includes in C++

Code bloat


Embedded oriented libs

  • ETL - Embedded Template Library
  • embxx - Embxx is Embedded C++ library
  • theCore - framework for various microcontroller applications, with or without RTOS (bare-metal).
  • libcpp - C++ standard library for embedded systems
  • Real-Time-C++ - Source code for the book Real-Time C++, by Christopher Kormanyos
  • estd - C++ Standard Lib adapted to embedded environments



  • corona - Zero Cost HAL
  • STM_HAL - C++ Hardware Abstraction Layer and Framework for STM32F3 and STM32F1 with FreeRTOS

Avoid anything what's starts "header only". Code bloat! Pure design! Too abstract!

  • kaguya - C++ binding to Lua
  • nlohmann - JSON for Modern C++
  • quicktype - Convert JSON into gorgeous, typesafe code in any language.
  • RapidJSON - Low quality code, requires lot of extra coding for proper usages, JSON parsing performance gains are diminishing.


  • luapower/oo - Object system for Lua with virtual properties and method overriding hooks
  • LuaWOO - A library that provides advanced Object Oriented Programming (OOP) mechanisms for the Lua language.
  • class2 - Object-oriented programming for Lua/ComputerCraft. Version 2.
  • Luaoop - Lua library to do OOP (Object Oriented Programming).

On review list

  • SWIG - SWIG is a software development tool that connects programs written in C and C++ with a variety of high-level programming languages.
  • MQTT-Reactive - portable and non-blocking MQTT client
  • eMQTT5 - An embedded MQTTv5 client in C++ with minimal footprint, maximal performance
  • xenium - xenium is a header-only library that provides a collection of concurrent data structures and memory reclamation algorithms
  • EmbeddedInfraLib - EmbeddedInfraLib is a set of C++ libraries and headers that provide heap-less, STL like, infrastructure for embedded software development.
  • WLib - The goal of WLib is to create a lighter and safer alternative to C++ STL.
  • libunifex - The 'libunifex' project is a prototype implementation of the C++ sender/receiver async programming model
  • CppCommon - C++ Common Library contains reusable components and patterns
  • CoroBase - Coroutine-Oriented Main-Memory Database Engine
  • GuinsooDB - embedded database
  • Ouroboros - Embedded NoSQL storage of data.
  • FastFlow - FastFlow: high-performance parallel patterns and building blocks in C++
  • distortos - object-oriented C++ RTOS for microcontrollers
  • string_utils - Utility functions for strings using on C++17 <string_view> and to avoid unnecessary string copies.
  • pystring - Pystring is a collection of C++ functions which match the interface and behavior of python's string class methods using std::string.
  • libchain - Easy to use std::string enhancements.
  • PureMVC - PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern.
  • PureMVC++ - C++ version of the PureMVC architecture.
  • NoesisGUI-NativeSDK - Simple and consistent way to present and interact with data using MVVM patterns. Provides a clean separation of business logic from UI.
  • elapsed_timer - Elapsed time for code blocks execution written in C++11
  • simple_match - Simple, Extensible C++ Pattern Matching Library
  • flags - Command line parser
  • csv2 - csv reader/writer
  • dtl - DIFF template library written
  • libjwdpmi - This library aims to be a complete development framework for DPMI (32-bit DOS) applications, written in C++20.
  • Veho - Auto-optimizing modern C++11 CAN interface generator
  • libcappuccino - C++17 Cache Data Structure Library
  • sanitizers - Google android AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, MemorySanitizer
  • iceoryx - zero-copy inter-process-communication
  • IncludeOS - A minimal, resource efficient unikernel for cloud services
  • JSONCONS - A C++, header-only library for constructing JSON and JSON-like data formats, with JSON Pointer, JSON Patch, JSON Schema, JSONPath, JMESPath, CSV, MessagePack, CBOR, BSON, UBJSON
  • LuaBridge - A lightweight, dependency-free library for binding Lua to C++
  • TinyExpr - tiny recursive descent expression parser, compiler, and evaluation engine for math expressions
  • UNITS - A compile-time, header-only, dimensional analysis and unit conversion library built on c++14 with no dependencies.
  • AnyAny - C++20 library for comfortable and efficient dynamic polymorphism
  • Waffle++ code generator - Waffle++ is a C++ code generation framework and tool
  • coralkashri - FS developer - a passionate Linux C++ RT developer.
  • disruptor-- - disruptor concurency pattern in c++
  • cpp-dump - An all-round dump function library for C++ that supports even user-defined classes.
  • liballocator - C++ memory allocator for embedded systems
  • json_dto - A small header-only library for converting data between json representation and c++ structs
  • tiny json_dto -
  • lmdb - Symas LMDB is an extraordinarily fast, memory-efficient database. lmdb++ - a C++11 wrapper for LMDB
  • Serenity_Logger - Yet another Fast and Efficient logging framework.
  • BS::thread_pool - BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library
  • SML2 (UML-2.5 State Machine Language) - sml2: C++20 State Machine library
  • YAS - Yet Another Serialization
  • StructMapping - Mapping json to and from a c++ structure
  • DesignPattern - Design pattern demo code
  • reflect-cpp - A C++20 library for fast serialization, deserialization and validation using reflection.
  • RTTR - C++ Reflection Library
  • SDB (string database) - Simple string-based Key/Value database
  • MLIB - Multi-purpose Library - This is a collection of bits and pieces crafted over the years
  • mlib - mlib is a fast, simple c++ meta-programming library that uses c++20.
  • Fast C++ CSV Parser - This is a small, easy-to-use and fast header-only library for reading comma separated value (CSV) files.
  • xmem - An alternative memory and smart pointer library for C++
  • C++ Thread Pool - A high-performance thread pool implementation in Modern C++ for executing tasks concurrently.
  • UTF8-CPP - UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way
  • Ystring - A C++ string library for the most common encodings. In particular it makes it convenient to manipulate UTF-8 encoded strings
  • cpp-unicodelib - A C++17 header-only Unicode library. (Unicode 15.1)
  • UTF-8 string - A simple implementation of utf8 strings for C++
  • freertos-addons - Additions to FreeRTOS
  • Rapidcsv - Rapidcsv is an easy-to-use C++ CSV parser library.
  • enum_name - Converting (scoped)enum values to string names written in C++>=11.
  • UML State Machine in C - A minimalist UML State machine framework for finite state machine and hierarchical state machine in C
  • json-model - C++ struct to JSON mappings
  • Vince's CSV Parser - A high-performance, fully-featured CSV parser and serializer for modern C++.
  • LittleD - A relational database for embedded devices and sensors nodes
  • Log-Structured-KV-Storage-Engine - Log-structured Key-Value storage engine written in C++
  • rabbit - Very handy rapidjson wrapper library for C++03
  • Wrapidjson is RapidJSON wrapper - C++11 RapidjsonWrapper
  • lockfree - A collection of lock-free data structures written in standard C++11
  • Argparse - A Simple Argument Parser for C++
  • meta - Header-only, non-intrusive and macro-free runtime reflection system in C++
  • Async CPP - Async C++ Utilities
  • FreeRTOS Modern C++ Wrappers - Wrapping FreeRTOS in modern C++ classes
  • FreeRTOS-Cpp - C++17 header-only interface to the FreeRTOS kernel API.
  • C++ Function Benchmark - benchmark for various C++ function implementations; focus on invocation time
  • umm_malloc - Memory Manager For Small(ish) Microprocessors
  • Mimalloc-bench - Suite for benchmarking malloc implementations.
  • ltalloc - LightweighT Almost Lock-Less Oriented for C++ programs memory allocator
  • okdp - A design pattern library developed in modern c++.
  • Skiplist-CPP - A tiny KV storage based on skiplist written in C++ language
  • Stroika v3 - modern C++ made easy - Modern C++ made easy
  • C++ Bare Metal Senders and Receivers - An implementation of C++ "senders and receivers" async framework suitable for embedded platforms.
  • actor-- - A header-only C++17 type-safe actor model threading library
  • iod - Meta programming utilities for C++14. Merged in matt-42/lithium
  • tlsf-bsd: Two-Level Segregated Fit Memory Allocator - Two Level Segregated Fit (TLSF) memory allocator implementation, BSD License
  • O(1) heap - Constant-complexity deterministic memory allocator (heap) for hard real-time high-integrity embedded systems. There is very little activity because the project is finished and does not require further changes.
  • xstd - A portable header only library extending the C++20 STL. It is mainly extracted from VTIL-Common => VTIL-Core
  • Bearbytes C++ utilities - This repository contains various utilities written in C++23 but without standard library
  • sling - Lightweight C++ Signals and Slots implementation
  • Iara - The asynchronous framework for modern C++
  • Ereignis - A thread-safe C++20 Event Library
  • STDX-event - Intresting event implementation
  • uxs - Utilities and eXtensionS (UXS) library is a collection of useful (template) classes and functions developed upon standard C++ library
  • std_e - C++ standard library extension
  • Gaia-ECS - A simple and powerful entity component system (ECS) written in C++17
  • Embedded Template Library - Embedded template library
  • multiindex - C++11 implementation of a container with multiple indexes
  • tmi - A slimmed down but very functional version of boost::multi_index
  • multi_index.hpp - multi_index.hpp
  • okdp - A design pattern library developed in modern c++.
  • libchain - Easy to use std::string enhancements.
  • libcappuccino - C++17 Cache Data Structure Library
  • activecpp - Active Objects for Modern C++
  • micro{containers} - Headers Only C++11 Containers library. No standard library is required.
  • cpp-lazy-stringization -
  • BLogger - An easy to use modern C++14/17 async cross-platform logger which supports custom formatting/patterns, colored output, Unicode, file logging, log rotation & more!
  • Reflection++ - A header-only C++11 reflection library
  • Modern CMake Examples - A collection of as simple as possible, modern CMake projects
  • Poly map - Map with infinite levels and multiple types for keys and values.
  • Channel - Thread-safe container for sharing data between threads
  • Fast C++ CSV Parser - This is a small, easy-to-use and fast header-only library for reading comma separated value (CSV) files.
  • PEGTL - Parsing Expression Grammar Template Library
  • Ring Buffer - simple C++11 ring buffer implementation, allocated and evaluated at compile time
  • Lock-Free Queues (SPSC & SPMC) - Very fast lock-free queue (thread safe)
  • Lock-Free data structures -
  • micro{containers} - Headers Only C++11 Containers library. No standard library is required.
  • C++ Function Benchmark - benchmark for various C++ function implementations; focus on invocation time
  • workspace - workspace is a lightweight asynchronous execution framework based on C++11, which supports: asynchronous concurrent execution of general tasks, priority task scheduling, adaptive dynamic thread pools, efficient static thread pools, and exception handling mechanisms.
  • task-thread-pool - Fast and lightweight thread pool for C++11 and newer.
  • task-pool - A task orient thread pool library for C++14 with cancellation and allocator support
  • nanothread - Minimal thread pool for task parallelism
  • Not Enough Standards - A modern header-only C++ library that provides platform-independent utilities.


Links to various cpp patterns or tutorials







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