The bot needs a postgresql
database listening on localhost:5432
with a irc
user (no pass) and
a database called irc
. You can find a dump in backend/db/
$ git clone
$ cd irc-log
$ stack build
# If stack complains about missing ghc you have to run stack setup first.
Once if finishes you should find 2 executables in .stack-work
- irc-api: Servant api
- irc-log: The irc bot
If you want to use the irc logger remember to change the nick
in Lib.hs
- A bot that connects to an irc channel and saves every message in postgres
- A servant api
- An ghcjs frontend that queries the api and displays the data
- Colors in log?
- Better DB table structure?
- D3 graphs?
Pull requests are always welcome