To compile this driver you will need to have the X11 lib installed.
You also must have the XTest lib installed which for Debian/Ubuntu can be installed with the below command:
sudo apt-get install
Compile with make
After compiling the program, you only need to run it with
sudo ./bbcursordriver
The program automatically detects the presence of a boogie board rip to read from.
You can now control your cursor with the precision of a pen! Enjoy. The orientation to place the boogie board for it to match with your screen is with the plug/cord facing up.
Something to note:
The driver will manage to function with any screen resolution, but results may vary. With a square display or perhaps one that is being used in portrait mode, you will find that moving the pen to the left/right will be much more drastic a movement than up/down. These differences will likely be irrelevant due to the feedback you'll be recieving from watching your cursor move on the screen.