- Step1: Make sure that Docker Desktop is running
- Step2: Download the Zipped file https://github.com/dipaish/web-dev-env/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
- Step3: Unzip it anywhere in your PC. Make sure that you don't delete this folder.
- Step4: Start your Visual Studio Code and open the folder that you have unizziped recently.
- Step5: Start terminal in Visual studio code and run the following command:
docker-compose up -d
- Service 1: MySQL Database Service (6034) >> localhost:6034
- Service 2: Apache PhP Environment (Port 81) >> localhost:81
- Service 3: phpmyadmin (Port 82) >> localhost:82
- Service 4: Wordpress (Port 83) >> localhost:83
src >> A folder where your php code is going to be located. A simple php code is there by default
wordpress >> folder for your wordpress site
The folder contains php.ini. If you need to configure your php setup, you can make required changes to the file. After making changes, execute the following command by starting terminal in Visual studio code:
docker compose up -d --build
- Step 1: Get to phpmyadmin and create a database as below: Database Name: wordpress Database User: wordpress Database Password: wordpress
phpmyadmin >> user accounts >> Add User Account >> Type the username and password as above
Just make sure that you check the following options
Database for user account
Create database with same name and grant all privileges.
- Step 2: Get to the browser and type localhost:83
- Step 3: Follow the installation Process
- Docker
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- PHP (All-in-One PHP Support)
- Use Docker Compose: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/docker/tutorials/use-docker-compose
- Definitive Guide to Docker Compose: https://gabrieltanner.org/blog/docker-compose