A Discord BOT - GO developed using Python.
- Make sure you are an Admin in the server.
- Click here to invite the BOT to your server.
- Give the BOT Admin privileges.
- autorole assignment for a new member.
- play youtube music.
- Moderation
- Fun commands
- Level Systems.
- Voting System.
- Suggestion commands.
- Many features upcoming.
- Create an Admin role named as
- Enter command:
go setup
- Log user Voice Channel logs:
go set_log_channel <log_text_channel_name>
- Suggestion Channel:
go set_suggestions_channel <channel_name>
- Set Auto role on member join:
go autorole <role_name>
- Set Moderation role:
go modrole <role_name>
- Install python on your PC 3.6+.
- Install Discord API using cmd prompt.
python -m pip install -U discord.py
- Install Discord voice API using cmd prompt.
python -m pip install -U discord.py[voice]
- Install youtube_dl using cmd prompt.
python -m pip install -U youtube_dl
- Download FFMPEG
- set the path variable for ffmpeg/bin in system env.