opendeck-portable shell-only v1.0.1
version 1.0.1 brings improved file syncing and optional stealth mode
This is opendeck-portable shell-only release. This release DOES NOT include OpenDeck itself. You can easily add OpenDeck runtime files yourself, after you download this zip file and extract it to the place where you would like to keep it.
Once you have opendeck-portable unpacked, then:
Download the latest version of OpenDeck MSI installer for windows from here. When downloaded, rename the file to "opendeck.msi". Create a new folder and name it "unpack". Start command-prompt window and execute:
msiexec /a "%userprofile%\Downloads\opendeck.msi" /qn TARGETDIR="%userprofile%\Downloads\unpack"
Now when you navigate into %userprofile%\Downloads\unpack\PFiles\OpenDeck, you'll find "opendeck.exe" and the folder "plugins". Move these two to wherever you keep opendeck-portable, subfolder "App".
Run opendeck-portable.exe.