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Composable futures C++ library (Cf)

This is an implementation of composable, continuing c++17 like std futures. Cf library has no dependencies except c++14 compliant standard library. Cf library comes with a an extensive unit test suit written using Catch testing framework. These tests may also be used as an a source of examples. Cf has been tested on three major OS's. Minimum compiler requirements are: gcc-4.8 (gcc-4.9 or above is strongly recommended), clang-3.7, vs2015.


Unlike standard futures Cf library implements the Executor concept. Executor may be an object of virtually any type which has post(cf::movable_func<void()>) member function. It enables cf::future continuations and callables passed to the cf::async be executed via separate thread/process/coroutine/etc execution context. Cf comes with three executors shipped. They are:

  • cf::sync_executor - executes callable in place.
  • cf::async_queued_executor - non blocking async queued executor.
  • cf::async_thread_pool_executor - almost same as above, except posted callables may be executed on one of the free worker threads.


Also Cf futures support cancelation after certain timeout expired. User provided exception is stored in relevant future in this case and propagated through all subsequent future::then. Timeouts are handled by cf::time_watcher. As with executors, TimeWatcher might be an object of any type with ::add(const std::function<void()>&, std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> timeout) member function.

Cf current state

Feature name Standard library (including c++17) Cf Standard compliance
future Yes Yes No share() member function. No void (use cf::unit instead) and T& specializations.
promise Yes Yes No set_**_at_thread_exit member functions. No void and T& specializations.
async Yes Yes No launch policy.
packaged_task Yes No
shared_future Yes No
when_all Yes Yes
when_any Yes Yes
make_ready_future Yes Yes
make_exceptional_future Yes Yes
executors No Yes
timeouts No Yes


For the basic future/promise/async examples please refer to

async, then, then via executor

cf::async_queued_executor executor;
try {
  auto f = cf::async([] {
    http_response resp = http_request("")();
    resp.read_headers();                     // This is executed on the separate standalone thread
    return resp;                             // Result, when it's ready, is stored in cf::future<http_response>.
  }).then([] (cf::future<http_response> f) { // Which in turn is passed to the continuation.
    auto resp = f.get();
    if (resp.code() == http::Ok)             // The continuation may be executed on different contexts.
      resp.read_body();                      // This time - on the async thread.
      throw std::domain_error("Bad response");
    return resp;                             
  }).then(executor, [] (cf::future<http_response> f) {
    auto resp = f.get();                     // And this time on the async_queued_executor context.
    return cf::unit();                       // When you don't need result - use cf::unit.
  }).then([] (cf::future<cf::unit> f) {
    f.wait();                                // If f has exception inside, this line will let it out
    log() << "body processed" << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;

Async itself may be called with an executor. It is one of the reasons why there are no launch::policy in Cf. Every possible policy (async, deferred, etc) may easily be implemented as an executor. For example:

cf::sync_executor executor;
cf::async(executor, [] {
  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); // This is evaluated in place, in this case exactly like 
  return std::string("Hello ")                                // std::async with the std::launch::deferred policy.

You can return futures from continuations or 'plain' values. The latter will be lifted in the future by Cf implicitely. I.e.

auto f = cd::make_ready_future(42);
  decltype(f.then([](cf::future<int> f) { // then() return type = cf::future<int>
    return f.get() * 2;
  decltype(f.then([](cf::future<int> f) { // same here (not cf::future<cf::future<int>>)
    return cf::async([f = std::move(f)] { 
      return f.get() * 2; 
>::value == true;


cf::time_watcher tw;
cf::async_thread_pool_executor executor(4);

struct connect_timeout : std::domain_error { using std::domain_error::domain_error; };
struct write_timeout : std::domain_error { using std::domain_error::domain_error; };
struct read_timeout : std::domain_error { using std::domain_error::domain_error; };

try {
  auto client_future = cf::async([client = tcp_client()] () mutable {
    return client;  // client is moved from future to future. supposed to be a cheap operation
  }).timeout(std::chrono::milliseconds(500), connect_timeout("Connect timeout"), tw).then(executor,
  [](cf::future<tcp_client> client_future) mutable {
    auto client = client_future.get();
    client.write("GET /");
    return client;
  }).timeout(std::chrono::seconds(2), write_timeout("Write timeout"), tw).then(executor,
  [](cf::future<tcp_client> client_future) mutable {
    auto client = client_future.get();
    return client;
  }).timeout(std::chrono::seconds(2), read_timeout("Read timeout"), tw);
  std::cout << client_future.get().data() << std::endl;

} catch (const connect_timeout& e) {
  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (const write_timeout& e) {
  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (const read_timeout& e) {
  std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; 

Note though, that timeout timer starts at the point of cf::future::timeout invocation, i.e. all timeouts in the example above are scheduled almost at the same moment. Thus when calling cf::future::timeout second and subsequent times consider adding up approximate duration of the previous calls when choosing timeout values.

when_any, when_all

cf::when_any and cf::when_all return cf::future which is ready when any or all of the input sequence futures become ready. These functions have iterator overloads and variadic overloads. Check when_all, when_any for more details.

std::vector<std::string> urls = {"", "", ""};
std::vector<cf::future<http_response>> response_future_vector;
for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); ++i) {
  response_future_vector.push_back(cf::async([&urls, i] {
    auto http_resp = http_request(urls[i])();
    return http_resp;

auto result_future = cf::when_any(response_future_vector.begin(), response_future_vector.end());
auto result = result_future.get();    // blocks until one of the futures becomes ready.
                                      // result.index == ready future index
                                      // result.sequence contains original futures with sequence[index] ready


Composable C++ futures







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