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1. Software requirement

2. Prepare reference

RNA-MosaicHunter requires a fasta file (.fasta, .fa) for your reference genome. It is better to make sure that your reference file has the same name and order of contigs to your .bam file(s) and .bed file(s). Reads aligned to any contigs which do not appear in the reference file will be ignored. When running RNA-MosaicHunter, you need to set the top parameter reference_file.

3. Prepare data for RNA-MosaicHunter Input

RNA-MosaicHunter currently accepts aligned reads from RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). We recommend STAR for read mapping and GATK/Picard for read pre-processing. These pre-processing steps are important in order to reduce false positives in identifying mosaic sites. The following is an example of how the reads are pre-processed.

Note that default config file and resources files are designed for GRCh37 (hg19). To run on other versions (e.g. GRCh38), users should prepare hg38 reference files and change the parameters "valid_references", "chr_x_name", "chr_y_name" in the config file to the corresponding chromosome names (e.g. with "chr" for GRCh38).

3.1 Alignment -- STAR

STAR --runThreadN ${THREAD_NUM} --twopassMode Basic --outSAMattributes All --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted --readFilesCommand zcat --genomeDir ${REFERENCE_DIR}/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5_STAR_index10_gencode19 --readFilesIn "rnaseq/fastq/${IND_NAME}/${SAMPLE_ID}_1.fastq.gz" "rnaseq/fastq/${IND_NAME}/${SAMPLE_ID}_2.fastq.gz" --outFileNamePrefix "$OUTPUT_DIR/${IND_NAME}/${SAMPLE_ID}/"

3.2 Remove duplicates -- Picard

java -jar picard.jar AddOrReplaceReadGroups INPUT=rnaseq/STAR/${IND_NAME}/${SAMPLE_ID}/Aligned.out.bam OUTPUT=rnaseq/Picard/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.sorted.bam SO=coordinate ID=${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID} LB=unknown PL=illumina SM=${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID} PU=unknown
java -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates INPUT=rnaseq/Picard/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.sorted.bam OUTPUT=rnaseq/Picard/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.masked.bam M=rnaseq/Picard/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.matrix REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true AS=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT
samtools index rnaseq/Picard/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.masked.bam

3.3 Split'N'Trim and mapping quality reassignment -- GATK

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T SplitNCigarReads -R ${REFERENCE_DIR}/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5.fasta -I rnaseq/Picard/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.masked.f.bam -o rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.split.bam -rf ReassignOneMappingQuality -RMQF 255 -RMQT 60 -U ALLOW_N_CIGAR_READS

3.4 Local realignment -- GATK

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -nt ${THREAD_NUM} -R ${REFERENCE_DIR}/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5.fasta -I rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.split.bam -o rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.intervals

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T IndelRealigner -R ${REFERENCE_DIR}/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5.fasta -I rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.split.bam -targetIntervals rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.intervals -o rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.realigned.bam
echo "Job ended at $(date)"

3.5 Read calibration -- GATK

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T BaseRecalibrator -R ${REFERENCE_DIR}/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5.fasta -I rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.realigned.bam -knownSites ${REFERENCE_DIR}/dbsnp_137.b37.vcf -o rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.recal_data.grp

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T PrintReads -nct ${THREAD_NUM} -R ${REFERENCE_DIR}/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5/human_v37_contig_hg19_hs37d5.fasta -I rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.realigned.bam -BQSR rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.recal_data.grp -o rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.BQSR.bam

3.6 Remove improper-paired and multiple-hit reads -- Samtools

samtools view -f 2 -F 768 -h rnaseq/GATK/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.BQSR.bam | samtools view -Sb - > rnaseq/bam_ready/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.final.bam
samtools index rnaseq/bam_ready/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.final.bam

${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.final.bam could be used as the input for Step 5 Run RNA-MosaicHunter.

3.7 Calculate coverage -- Bedtools (not necessary)

/BEDtools-2.23.0/bin/coverageBed -abam rnaseq/bam_ready/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.final.bam -b ${REFERENCE_DIR}/human_gene_gencode19.b37.exon.bed -hist | awk '$1=="all"' > rnaseq/coverageBed/${IND_NAME}_${SAMPLE_ID}.tsv

4. Example data for RNA-MosaicHunter Input


samtools sort example.bam example_srt
samtools index example_srt.bam

5. Run RNA-MosaicHunter

5.1 RNA-MosaicHunter

java -Xmx64G -jar ${MOSAICHUNTER_DIR}/build/mosaichunter.jar -C ${MOSAICHUNTER_CONFIG} -P input_file=${PATH}/example_srt.bam -P${SEX} -P output_dir=${OUTPUT_DIR} -P common_site_filter.bed_file=${ERROR_PRONE_BED} -P misaligned_reads_filter.max_NM=3

cat ${OUTPUT_DIR}/final.passed.tsv | awk '$3==$7||$3==$9' | awk '$11~"N/A"&&$11~"1.0"' > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/final.clean.tsv

5.2 RNA-editing filter

We have two different mode of RNA editint filters:

  1. full-removal: removes all A>G / T>C mutations
Rscript RNA_Editing_Filter_MH.R ${OUTPUT_DIR}/final.clean.tsv full-removal ${OUTPUT_DIR}/final.clean.filter_RNA_edit.tsv
  1. filter-based-removal: removes RNA editing sites reported in DARNED [1] and REDIportal [2], and A>G mutations on transcribed strand and T>C mutations on untranscribed strand
Rscript RNA_Editing_Filter_MH.R ${OUTPUT_DIR}/final.clean.tsv filter-based-removal ${OUTPUT_DIR}/final.clean.filter_RNA_edit.tsv

Example output file final.clean.filter_RNA_edit.tsv:

4	6064082	TRUE	122	TATTTTTTTTTTTTTTATTTTttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTTtttttTTTAttTttttatttttTTTTTAtTttTTTTTTAtTtatttttTtttttatatttttTttTt	BDCACBCBBBBCBBBBCBBBBCBCCCCCCCBCCCCDCCCDCCCBCCACCCCACBBCCCCCCBBCCCBCCC>BCCA>CACBCCDDBCDBBBBBBCDADBDDDDDBECDDDBABDDDDD=DDCH	TRUE	113	A	9	T(1.0):A(N/A-9e-05	-3.69906	-8.00009	-7	-30.42197	-36.72566	-380.90166	-15.17676	-8.2453	-18.24796	-366.72499	0	1

6. Output format

All of the output files are in the specified directory output_dir, including the final candidate list final.passed.tsv, the filtered and remained remaining variant lists of each filters (.filtered.tsv, .passed.tsv), and other temporary files, such as blat input and output.

The final.clean.filter_RNA_edit.tsv files are in tab-separated format, whose columns' meanings for single mode are listed below:

  1. Contig / chromosome name

  2. Position / coordinate on the contig (1-based)

  3. Base of reference allele

  4. Total depth of this site

  5. Pileuped sequencing bases at this site

  6. Pileuped sequencing baseQs at this site

  7. Base of major allele

  8. Depth of major allele

  9. Base of minor allele

  10. Depth of minor allele

  11. dbSNP allele frequency of major and minor alleles

  12. log10 prior probability of major-homozygous genotype

  13. log10 prior probability of heterozygous genotype

  14. log10 prior probability of minor-homozygous genotype

  15. log10 prior probability of mosaic genotype

  16. log10 likelihood of major-homozygous genotype

  17. log10 likelihood of heterozygous genotype

  18. log10 likelihood of minor-homozygous genotype

  19. log10 likelihood of mosaic genotype

  20. log10 posterior probability of major-homozygous genotype

  21. log10 posterior probability of heterozygous genotype

  22. log10 posterior probability of minor-homozygous genotype

  23. log10 posterior probability of mosaic genotype

  24. Mosaic posterior probability

You can get a high-confidence candidate list of mosaic sites by filtering the 24th column (mosaic posterior probability) or sorting this column from high to low.


[1] Kiran,A. and Baranov,P.V. (2010) DARNED: a DAtabase of RNa EDiting in humans. Bioinformatics, 26, 1772–1776.
[2] Picardi,E., D’Erchia,A.M., Lo Giudice,C. and Pesole,G. (2017) REDIportal: a comprehensive database of A-to-I RNA editing events in humans. Nucleic Acids Res., 45, D750–D757.


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