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Next: GetInstanceObject

Archie_UwU edited this page Jan 4, 2024 · 1 revision

Converts an instance ID to an instance object.


AurieStatus GetInstanceObject(
    [in]  int32_t     InstanceID,
    [out] CInstance*& Instance



The ID of a currently active instance. This ID can be found in either the instance_id global built-in array, and is returned from functions such as instance_create_depth.


A reference to a pointer-sized buffer, into which the pointer to the instance is written. This pointer is guaranteed to remain valid until the instance is destroyed. If the function fails, the contents of this buffer are guaranteed to remain unchanged.

Return Value

The function returns AURIE_SUCCESS on success, otherwise returns a matching error code. If the information needed for looking up the current room isn't available, the function returns AURIE_MODULE_INTERNAL_ERROR. If the InstanceID doesn't match any active instances in the current room, the function returns AURIE_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND.

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