Added Untagged Notes filter to sidebar
Added a confirmation dialog before deleting a tag
Updated the navigation bar styles
Updated navigation bar color
Updated tag input styling
Updated styling of dialogs throughout the app
Updated the Windows installation process to be able to choose to install for all users on the computer or just the current user
Auto-remove line terminators like line separators (LS) or paragraph separator (PS)
Ensure that tags on imported notes are added and synced properly
Fixed overflowing dialog content when a long email address is used during signup
Fix cut-off dialog close button in Safari
Fixed a bug in note export to avoid duplicate filenames when certain characters were used in the note title
Updated the view when no notes show in a specific list; fixed the view when adding a new note from the Trash
Enable keyboard shortcut for search even when keyboard shortcut preference is set to be disabled
Fixed a bug that caused Ctrl+G and some other shortcuts to fail on Windows/Linux
Refresh the note list after restoring a revision
Removed the spellcheck option from the Edit menu
Fixed scrollbar styles in Firefox
Fixed slider handle alignment in Chrome
Other Changes
Refactored reducer states showTrash and openedTag
Pinned dependencies
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