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I can no longer develop or test this tool. feel free to fork it if you need a new feature. I could still answer questions or upload files I forgot though.


A python alternative to TI's USB2MDIO tool.

TI has this USB2MDIO (or USB-2-MDIO) interface for configuring PHYs via USB on their evaluation boards (using an on-board MSP430 that controls the SMI (MDIO) interface and receives the commands from the PC via USB). However, the tool is only made available for Windows, and it doesn't offer a good UX. Therefore I decided (needed) to write a small tool to substitute it and used the opportunity to expand it.

An expanded script syntax was created to permit changing the PHY and batching multiple scripts. A script can be passed directly to the command via bash, or via the commands CLI.


python3 <com_port> [script_file]

'script_file' can be in TI's format or USB2MDIO_PY's extended format. Check out the syntax below.

If no script is passed, a CLI opens, where the following commands are possible:

CLI commands

Configure PHY access:

Show current config:

PHY address chosen with:
config phy <phy_address>

Extended register mode chosen with:
config ext <yes/no, y/n, Y/N, YES/NO>

Pretty print ON/OFF with:
config pretty <yes/no, y/n, Y/N, YES/NO>

Write register:

<reg> <value> #Only HEX values without '0x' for now, e.g. ff

Read register with:

<reg> #Only HEX values without '0x' for now, e.g. ff

Show board verbose:



<help, --help, h, -h, ?>


<exit, exit(), quit, quit(), q>

Dump registers with (WIP):

dump <start_reg> <end_reg>

Execute a script with:

script <path>

This accepts either TI's format of usb2mdio_py's extended format. They look like the following:

TI script format:

0000      // comment, read reg 0x0000 (HEX value! TI specs mandatory 4 digits, but this tools accepts any number of digits)
0001      // read BMSR (Basic Mode Status Register)
0002      // read PHYIDR1 (should read 0x2000)
0003      // read PHYIDR2 (should read 0xA270)
0602 0003 // write 0x0003 to reg 0x0603

USB2MDIO_PY script format:
// TI's format is a subset of this one, and is also supported.
// Only the extensions to the format are exemplified below


config ext yes
config phy 01  // switch to PHY 01 (DECIMAL value)
2              // read reg 2 (HEX value)
3              // read reg 3
1f             // read reg 31 (0x1f)
9 0            // write 0 to reg 9

script ./test_scripts/dp83867_init_config.txt    // read script. Home directory is where the python script is running...

config phy 10  // switch to PHY 10 (DECIMAL value)
2       // PHYIDR 1
3       // PHYIDR 2

script ./test_scripts/tc812_init_config.txt


(Pretty print) import a register structure to work with:

regs <path>

Reads in a register structure from a .csv file and uses it to print the reg values in human readable form.

The required .csv format is the following (also check the comments in

# address; acronym; name; mask; shift; width;
0;BCR;Basic control register;;;;
2;PHYIDR1;PHY identifier register 1;;;;

This feature uses the tool, which reads in the .csv and outputs a Python list of tReg objects (used internally by

TI UART Protocol:

In pure ASCII digits:

P: PHY Address digit
A: Register Address digit
V: Register Value digit
X: Extended register:
    '*': yes
    '=': no
'/': Delimiter char - End of request packet marker


V: Register Value digit
0x0a: Delimiter char - End of reply packet


This tool takes the same register structure as used for the pretty pring and creates a C-struct initialization for a .c source file. The struct definition that must go in a .h header file should be the following (also check the comments in

// file.h

typedef struct
    char     *name;
    uint16_t  mask;
    uint8_t   shift;
    uint8_t   width;

typedef struct
    uint16_t  addr;
    char      *acr;
    char      *name;
    tRegField fields[17];

extern tReg phy_regs[/*address*/];


A python alternative to TI's USB2MDIO tool.







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