MHF, also referred to as MediaHuman Fucker is a tool i made to screw over a bunch of asses
MediaHuman fucker is designed to get around the paywall of mediahuman's Video Converter Paywall. The program gives you 20 files, then you need to pay $15 (once) to use it.
The video converter isnt converting shit. It basically combines the binaries of ffmpeg with a shitty MacOS-like UI. FFmpeg requires you to credit ffmpeg if you use their software. FFmpeg Contributors deserve 10k a month for what they do. Yet they do it for free. Almost all big apps use FFmpeg at one point or another. Some programs and services you may have heard of:
- Adobe
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Edge
- Wondershit
- Youtube
- VLC? (though they contribute to ffmpeg alot, they arent bad.)
- Discord
- Meta
- Netflix
- Hulu
- Max
- Disney +
- TikTok
And countless others all rely on those 800k code files for their companies. If a program you know processes media: audio, video, images, subtitles, then there is a 99.9999999999% chance it uses ffmpeg. Most of these companies give credit. MediaHuman? No credit at all. A few reasons.- Adobe products are all over the place
- Wondershit and Adobe have hard to crack security measures
- MediaHuman stores the value in a registry key.