Drizzle-RBAC-Nextjs is a project that utilizes various libraries and tools, including drizzle orm, next-auth, nextjs,, faker-js/faker, react-hooks-form, radix, and more. I am talking a challege to create Role Based Access Control(RBAC) project for my knowledge and to improve my portfolio.
cp .env.example .env
- follow https://next-auth.js.org/ for auth setup
- Install PostgreSQL on the local machine.
- Create a database named "drizzle-rbac".
- Create a user named "dev" with the password "dev".
- Grant all privileges on the "drizzle-rbac" database to the "dev" user.
- Use the URL format "postgresql://dev:dev@localhost:3308/drizzle-rbac".
1.Clone the Drizzle-RBAC-Nextjs repository:
git clone https://github.com/Ayush-v/Drizzle-RBAC-Nextjs
2.Install the dependencies with one of the package managers listed below:
pnpm install
3.Start the development mode:
pnpm dev