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Hydration kit fixes (#881)
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Co-authored-by: Anthony Watherston <[email protected]>
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anwather and Anthony Watherston authored Feb 11, 2025
1 parent ed6b622 commit 9d20cb1
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Showing 2 changed files with 66 additions and 19 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
Output a report with specific data used for evaluation on each object, useful for debugging as well as large sets of changes.
.\Build-HydrationDeploymentPlans.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev"
Build-HydrationDeploymentPlans -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev"
Builds the deployment plans for the Policy as Code (PAC) environment 'dev'.
.\Build-HydrationDeploymentPlans.ps1 -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DevOpsType "ado"
Build-HydrationDeploymentPlans -PacEnvironmentSelector "dev" -DevOpsType "ado"
Builds the deployment plans for the Policy as Code (PAC) environment 'dev' and outputs variables consumable by conditions in an Azure DevOps pipeline.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,16 +602,16 @@ function Build-HydrationDeploymentPlans {
Write-Information " Detailed policy resource deployment documented; writing detailed change information json file '$detailedOutJson'"
Write-Information " Detailed policy resource deployment documented; writing detailed change information csv file '$detailedOutCsv'"
$detailedRecordList | Select-Object -Unique | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 `
| Out-File -FilePath $detailedOutJson -Force
| Out-File -FilePath $detailedOutJson -Force
$detailedRecordHashtable = Get-DeepCloneAsOrderedHashtable -InputObject $detailedRecordList
Convert-HashtableToFlatPsObject -Hashtable $detailedRecordHashtable.values `
| Select-Object @{Name="CombinedKey"; Expression={ "$($$($$($_.fileRelativePath)" }}, * `
| Sort-Object CombinedKey `
| Select-Object -Unique * `
| Select-Object -ExcludeProperty CombinedKey `
| Export-Csv -Path $detailedOutCsv -NoTypeInformation -Force
| Select-Object @{Name = "CombinedKey"; Expression = { "$($$($$($_.fileRelativePath)" } }, * `
| Sort-Object CombinedKey `
| Select-Object -Unique * `
| Select-Object -ExcludeProperty CombinedKey `
| Export-Csv -Path $detailedOutCsv -NoTypeInformation -Force

# Build md file
# Build md file
## TODO: Confirming base format to generate template for output, will be in next release of this cmdlet
Write-Information "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Expand Down
67 changes: 57 additions & 10 deletions Scripts/HydrationKit/Install-HydrationEpac.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -474,14 +474,34 @@ function Install-HydrationEpac {
Write-Error "Cannot find the EPAC helper command `'Get-DeepCloneAsOrderedHashtable`', please ensure that the EPAC module or is installed and available, or that the scripts directory is available and the helpers have been dot sourced for use."
try {
$psdList = Get-AzPolicySetDefinition -ManagementGroupName $(Get-AzContext).Tenant.Id
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to gather Azure Policy Set Definition List, please ensure that you have a connection to Azure and try again."
$gatherData.Add('policySetDefinitions', $psdList)
Remove-Variable psdList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
try {
$pdList = Get-AzPolicyDefinition -ManagementGroupName $(Get-AzContext).Tenant.Id
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to gather Azure Policy Set Definition List, please ensure that you have a connection to Azure and try again."
$gatherData.Add('policyDefinitions', $pdList)
Remove-Variable pdList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
try {
$gatherData.Add('locationList', @((Get-AzLocation).Location) -join ", ")
$locationList = (Get-AzLocation -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).location
if ($locationList.count -gt 0) {
$gatherData.Add('locationList', @($LocationList) -join ", ")
catch {
Write-Error "Failed to gather Azure Location List, please ensure that you have a connection to Azure and try again."

try {
$tenantIntermediateRootTestResult = Get-AzManagementGroupRestMethod -GroupID $TenantIntermediateRoot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -734,11 +754,11 @@ function Install-HydrationEpac {
# corePacSelectors Loop
$loopId = "corePacSelectors"
Write-HydrationLogFile -EntryType newStage -EntryData "Processing QuestionSet: $loopId" -LogFilePath $logFilePath -UseUtc:$UseUtc -Silent
if ($summary.RbacAuthorization -like "Passed*") {
if (!($endSummary.gatherData.locationList -eq "" -or $null -eq $endSummary.gatherData.locationList)) {
$loopNotes = @("Location List: $($endSummary.gatherData.locationList)")
else {
$loopNotes = @("Location List: Rbac Test Failed, no location list gathered.")
# $loopNotes = @("Location List: Rbac Test Failed, no location list gathered.")
try {
$interview = New-HydrationAnswerSet -LoopId $loopId -QuestionsFilePath $questionsFilePath -Notes $loopNotes -UseUtc:$UseUtc -LogFilePath $logFilePath -TerminalWidth:$TerminalWidth -ErrorAction Stop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1160,6 +1180,7 @@ function Install-HydrationEpac {
if ($allInterviewAnswers.importAdditionalPolicySets) {
$splitList = $allInterviewAnswers.importAdditionalPolicySets -split ","
foreach ($guid in $splitList) {
# Note: Rather than supporting questions about whether or not "" are appropriate for wrapping the GUID, we just manage it with RegEx.
$guid = $guid -replace '[,"'' ]', ''
$parsedGuid = [System.Guid]::Empty
if (-not [System.Guid]::TryParse($guid, [ref]$parsedGuid)) {
Expand All @@ -1172,8 +1193,31 @@ function Install-HydrationEpac {
foreach ($polSet in $auditStandardList) {
Write-HydrationLogFile -EntryType logEntryDataAsPresented -EntryData " Exporting $polSet" -LogFilePath $logFilePath -UseUtc:$UseUtc -ForegroundColor Yellow
Export-PolicyToEPAC -PolicySetDefinitionId $polSet -OutputFolder $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments") -AutoCreateParameters $TRUE -UseBuiltIn $TRUE -Scope $(@("/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups", $allInterviewAnswers.initialTenantIntermediateRoot) -join "/") -PacSelector $allInterviewAnswers.mainTenantMainPacSelectorName -OverwriteOutput $FALSE
Write-HydrationLogFile -EntryType logEntryDataAsPresented -EntryData " Copying to $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments" "Export" "policyAssignments")" -LogFilePath $logFilePath -UseUtc:$UseUtc -ForegroundColor Yellow
$lCount = 0
do {
$succ1 = $true
try {
if ($ -contains $($polSet.split("/")[-1])) {
Export-PolicyToEPAC -PolicySetDefinitionId $polSet -OutputFolder $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments") -AutoCreateParameters $TRUE -UseBuiltIn $TRUE -OverwriteScope $(@("/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups", $allInterviewAnswers.initialTenantIntermediateRoot) -join "/") -OverwritePacSelector $allInterviewAnswers.mainTenantMainPacSelectorName -OverwriteOutput $FALSE
elseif ($ -contains $($polSet.split("/")[-1])) {
Export-PolicyToEPAC -PolicyDefinitionId $polSet -OutputFolder $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments") -AutoCreateParameters $TRUE -UseBuiltIn $TRUE -OverwriteScope $(@("/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups", $allInterviewAnswers.initialTenantIntermediateRoot) -join "/") -OverwritePacSelector $allInterviewAnswers.mainTenantMainPacSelectorName -OverwriteOutput $FALSE
else {
Write-HydrationLogFile -EntryType logEntryDataAsPresented -EntryData " PolicySet or PolicyDefinition does not appear to be a valid built-in policySet, skipping..." -LogFilePath $logFilePath -UseUtc:$UseUtc -ForegroundColor Red
catch {
$succ1 = $false
}until($succ1 -eq $true -or $lCount -gt 5)
if ($succ1) {
Write-HydrationLogFile -EntryType logEntryDataAsPresented -EntryData " Copying to $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments" "Export" "policyAssignments")" -LogFilePath $logFilePath -UseUtc:$UseUtc -ForegroundColor Yellow
else {
Write-HydrationLogFile -EntryType logEntryDataAsPresented -EntryData " Failed to Export $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments" "Export" "policyAssignments")" -LogFilePath $logFilePath -UseUtc:$UseUtc -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-HydrationLogFile -EntryType logEntryDataAsPresented -EntryData " Copying $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments" "Export" "policyAssignments") to Definitions folder structure..." -LogFilePath $logFilePath -UseUtc:$UseUtc -ForegroundColor Yellow
if (Test-Path $(Join-Path $Output "NewExportedAssignments" "Export" "policyAssignments")) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1236,15 +1280,20 @@ function Install-HydrationEpac {
# $fullAssignmentList = Get-ChildItem "$DefinitionsRootFolder/policyAssignments" -Recurse -Include "*.json", "*.jsonc" -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# foreach($assignment in $fullAssignmentList){
# }
Copy-Item -Path $(Join-Path $Output "export" "Definitions" "*") -Destination $DefinitionsRootFolder -Recurse -Force -Exclude "policy-ownership.csv"
if (Test-Path $(Join-Path $Output "export" "Definitions" "*")) {
Copy-Item -Path $(Join-Path $Output "export" "Definitions" "*") -Destination $DefinitionsRootFolder -Recurse -Force -Exclude "policy-ownership.csv"

if (Test-Path $(Join-Path $Output "UpdatedAssignments" "*")) {
Copy-Item -Path $(Join-Path $Output "UpdatedAssignments" "*") -Destination $(Join-Path $DefinitionsRootFolder "policyAssignments") -Recurse -Force
New-HydrationAssignmentPacSelector -SourcePacSelector $allInterviewAnswers.mainTenantMainPacSelectorName `
-NewPacSelector $epacDevName `
-MGHierarchyPrefix:$allInterviewAnswers.epacPrefix `
-MGHierarchySuffix:$allInterviewAnswers.epacSuffix `
-Definitions $DefinitionsRootFolder `
-Output $Output `
-ErrorAction Stop
Copy-Item -Path $(Join-Path $Output "UpdatedAssignments" "*") -Destination $(Join-Path $DefinitionsRootFolder "policyAssignments") -Recurse -Force
# Closing Tasks
# Clear-Host
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1279,5 +1328,3 @@ function Install-HydrationEpac {
Write-Host " Create Additional Assignments:"
Write-Host " Review the command Export-PolicyToEPAC to simplify additional assignment creation."

# Install-HydrationEpac -TenantIntermediateRoot $rootScope -SkipTests -AnswerFile .\Output\HydrationAnswer\AnswerFile.json

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