A library that is to facilitate the use of the ERP XT API without unnecessary implementation.
You need to have ClientId and SecretKey to authorize API server. More information about how to get this data you can found on this page ERPXT-Authorization
Install-Package ERPXTpl
dotnet add package ERPXTpl
or just find library in Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio ;)
You need to create a main object that takes two parameters - ClientId and SecretKey.
ERPXT erpxt = new ERPXT(clientId, secretKey);
The token is saved in the memory cache. Prior to each request to the API, its validity is checked. If the token is expired, the server is asked for a new token which is saved to the cache.
Each request is wrapped in a Result object. Result consists of Data, StatusCode, and Message
Data = returned object from response.
StatusCode = HttpCode from response or "ERROR" if something went wrong before send request.
Message = Message from server if something went wrong or message from internal validator.
Methods are really simple and readable but if you need more information, you can ask me by creating issue :)
BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount();
bankAccount.AccountNumber = "51239841214300002211";
bankAccount.BankName = "Best Bank Ever";
bankAccount.Symbol = "BBE";
bankAccount.ReportingPeriod = ReportingPeriod.MONTHLY;
bankAccount.Primary = false;
var addBankAcc = await erp.AddBankAccount(bankAccount);
BankAccount bankAccount = new BankAccount();
bankAccount.Id = 10176471;
bankAccount.AccountNumber = "44991234888800002244";
bankAccount.BankName = "Our Best Bank";
bankAccount.Symbol = "BBE";
bankAccount.ReportingPeriod = ReportingPeriod.MONTHLY;
var modifyBank = await erp.ModifyBankAccount(bankAccount);
var bankList = await erp.GetBankAccount();
var getBank = await erp.GetBankAccount(10176471);
var deleteBank = await erp.DeleteBankAccount(10176471);
PaymentMethod paymentMethod = new PaymentMethod();
paymentMethod.Name = "FastPayOnline";
paymentMethod.Primary = false;
paymentMethod.Deadline = 14;
paymentMethod.Type = PaymentMethodType.ACCOUNT_PAYMENT;
var addPayment = await erp.AddPaymentMethod(paymentMethod);
PaymentMethod paymentMethod = new PaymentMethod();
paymentMethod.Id = 10331712;
paymentMethod.Name = "2Fast2PayOnline";
paymentMethod.Primary = false;
paymentMethod.Deadline = 1;
paymentMethod.Type = PaymentMethodType.ACCOUNT_PAYMENT;
var modifyPaymentMethod = await erp.ModifyPaymentMethod(paymentMethod);
var listOfPaymentMethods = await erp.GetPaymentMethod();
var getPaymentMethod = await erp.GetPaymentMethod(10331712);
var deletePaymentMethod = await erp.DeletePaymentMethod(10331712);
Product product = new Product();
product.Name = "Epic Premium Product";
product.Description = "Best description ever!";
product.ItemCode = "";
product.ProductCode = "EPP";
product.UnitOfMeasurment = "piece";
product.SaleNetPrice = 139.99;
product.Rate = Rate.TWENTY_THREE_PERCENT;
var addProduct = await erp.AddProduct(product);
Product product = new Product();
product.Id = 11661992;
product.Name = "Epic Premium Product";
product.Description = "Useful information!";
product.ItemCode = "";
product.ProductCode = "EPP/1";
product.UnitOfMeasurment = "packaging";
product.SaleGrossPrice = 169.99;
product.Rate = Rate.FIVE_PERCENT;
var modifyProduct = await erp.ModifyProduct(product);
var listOfProducts = await erp.GetProduct();
var getProduct = await erp.GetProduct(11661992);
var deleteProduct = await erp.DeleteProduct(11661992);
Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.Name = "Comarch S.A";
customer.CountryCode = "PL";
customer.CustomerTaxNumber = "6770065406";
customer.CustomerCode = "Customer/PL/1";
customer.CustomerType = CustomerType.BUSINESS_ENTITY;
customer.CustomerStatus = CustomerStatus.DOMESTIC;
customer.Mail = "[email protected]";
customer.PhoneNumber = "126814300";
customer.Address.BuildingNumber = "39A";
customer.Address.FlatNumber = "1";
customer.Address.Street = "Al.Jana PawÂła II";
customer.Address.PostalCode = "31-864";
customer.Address.City = "Cracow";
var addCustomer = await erp.AddCustomer(customer);
Customer customer = new Customer();
customer.Id = 13632471;
customer.Name = "Comarch Spolka Akcyjna";
customer.CountryCode = "PL";
customer.CustomerTaxNumber = "6770065406";
customer.CustomerCode = "Customer/PL/1";
customer.CustomerType = CustomerType.BUSINESS_ENTITY;
customer.CustomerStatus = CustomerStatus.DOMESTIC;
customer.Mail = "[email protected]";
customer.PhoneNumber = "126814300";
customer.Address.BuildingNumber = "39A";
customer.Address.FlatNumber = "3";
customer.Address.Street = "Al.Jana PawÂła II";
customer.Address.PostalCode = "31-864";
customer.Address.City = "Cracow";
var modifyCustomer = await erp.ModifyCustomer(customer);
var listOfCustomers = await erp.GetCustomer();
var getCustomer = await erp.GetCustomer(13632471);
var getCustomer = await erp.GetCustomer("6770065406");
var getCustomer = await erp.GetCustomerByEmail("[email protected]"); // Can return more than one customer if few of them have same email
var deleteCustomer = await erp.DeleteCustomer(13632471);
var listOfCodes = await erp.GetCountries();
var listOfVatRates = await erp.GetVatRates();
SalesInvoice invoice = new SalesInvoice();
invoice.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.PAID;
invoice.OSSProcedureCountryCode = "DE";
invoice.IsOSSProcedure = true;
invoice.PurchasingPartyId = 13632511;
invoice.ReceivingPartyId = 13632511;
invoice.PaymentTypeId = 10199423;
invoice.BankAccountId = 10176453;
invoice.IssueDate = "2022-01-01";
invoice.SalesDate = "2022-01-02";
invoice.InvoiceType = InvoiceType.TOTAL;
invoice.Description = "Invoice for our business partner.";
invoice.Items.AddRange(new List<Item>
new Item() { ProductId = 11626227, Quantity = 99, ProductCurrencyPrice = 15.52M, VatRateId = 75 },
new Item() { ProductId = 11290439, Quantity = 1, ProductCurrencyPrice = 25.00M, ProductDescription = "Hello2", VatRateId = 75 }
var addInvoice = await erp.AddSalesInvoice(invoice);
SalesInvoice invoice = new SalesInvoice();
invoice.Id = 22386347;
invoice.PaymentStatus = PaymentStatus.UNPAID;
invoice.IsOSSProcedure = false;
invoice.PurchasingPartyId = 12466411;
invoice.ReceivingPartyId = 12466411;
invoice.PaymentTypeId = 10199423;
invoice.BankAccountId = 10176453;
invoice.IssueDate = "2022-01-01";
invoice.SalesDate = "2022-01-05";
invoice.InvoiceType = InvoiceType.TOTAL;
invoice.Description = "Send invoice by email";
invoice.Items.AddRange(new List<Item>
new Item() { ProductId = 11626227, Quantity = 35, ProductCurrencyPrice = 12.21M},
new Item() { ProductId = 11290439, Quantity = 7, ProductCurrencyPrice = 125.00M, ProductDescription = "Color RED",}
var modifyInvoice = await erp.ModifySalesInvoice(invoice);
var listOfInvoices = await erp.GetSalesInvoice();
var invoice = await erp.GetSalesInvoice(22386352);
var invoice = await erp.GetSalesInvoice("2022/1/FS/5")
var lastInvoices = await erp.GetLastInvoices(5); // Last 5 invoices
var deleteInvoice = await erp.DeleteSalesInvoice(22386353);
ProformaInvoice proforma = new ProformaInvoice();
proforma.OSSProcedureCountryCode = "DE";
proforma.IsOSSProcedure = true;
proforma.PurchasingPartyId = 13632511;
proforma.ReceivingPartyId = 13632511;
proforma.PaymentTypeId = 10199423;
proforma.BankAccountId = 10176453;
proforma.IssueDate = "2022-01-01";
proforma.InvoiceType = InvoiceType.SUBTOTAL;
proforma.Description = "Proforma with our best offer.";
proforma.Items.AddRange(new List<Item>
new Item() { ProductId = 11626227, Quantity = 12, ProductCurrencyPrice = 88.11M, VatRateId = 75 },
new Item() { ProductId = 11290439, Quantity = 3, ProductCurrencyPrice = 55.00M, ProductDescription = "Test description", VatRateId = 75 }
var addProforma = await erp.AddProformaInvoice(proforma);
ProformaInvoice proforma = new ProformaInvoice();
proforma.Id = 22386743;
proforma.OSSProcedureCountryCode = "DE";
proforma.IsOSSProcedure = true;
proforma.PurchasingPartyId = 13632511;
proforma.ReceivingPartyId = 13632511;
proforma.PaymentTypeId = 10199423;
proforma.BankAccountId = 10176453;
proforma.IssueDate = "2022-01-05";
proforma.InvoiceType = InvoiceType.SUBTOTAL;
proforma.Description = "Proforma with our worst offer.";
proforma.Items.AddRange(new List<Item>
new Item() { ProductId = 11626227, Quantity = 12, ProductCurrencyPrice = 300.11M, VatRateId = 75 },
new Item() { ProductId = 11290439, Quantity = 3, ProductCurrencyPrice = 155.00M, ProductDescription = "Sell with 100 percent margin", VatRateId = 75 }
var modifyProforma = await erp.ModifyProformaInvoice(proforma);
var listOfProforms = await erp.GetProformaInvoice();
var getProforma = await erp.GetProformaInvoice(14745129);
var getConvertedProforms = await erp.GetProformaInvoice(true); // if false, you will get unconverted proforms
var deleteProforma = await erp.DeleteProformaInvoice(22386743);
var listOfCustomPrints = await erp.GetPrintTemplates();
var defaultSalesPrintForCustomer = await erp.GetInvoicePrintByCustomer(22386352);
var customInvoicePrint = await erp.GetInvoiceCustomPrint(22386352, 10161077);
var defaultProformaPrintForCustomer = await erp.GetProformaPrintByCustomer(15339936);
var customProformaPrint = await erp.GetProformaCustomPrint(15339936, 10177498);
string base64Print = customProformaPrint.Data.ToString();
string path = "Z:\\OurCompany\\PrintsForCustomers\\";
var getPrintPdf = await erp.SavePrintToFile(base64Print, path);