A multithread pipeline to bin Hi-C reads for trios.
RED: Input, YELLOW: this pipeline, GREEN: Output
- Instruction:
1. two haplotype-resolved assembled contigs
2. Hi-C reads of the child
two haplotype-resolved Hi-C read sets for Hi-C assembly
1. BWA
2. Seqtk
/usr/bin/bash HTB.sh -M Input_MAT_conitg.fasta -P Input_PAT_contig.fasta \
-1 Input_Hi-C_R1.fq.gz -2 Input_Hi-C_R2.fq.gz -N 10 -B /path/to/bwa \
-S /path/to/seqtk -O /path/to/output/ -I 1
-I < bwa indices of haplotype assemblies: 1|0 >
-M < input draft maternal-specific haplotype assembly of the child >
-P < input draft paternal-specific haplotype assembly of the child >
-1 < hybrid Hi-C Reads R1 of the child >
-2 < hybrid Hi-C Reads R2 of the child >
-N < thread number : 20 (default) >
-B < path to installed bwa >
-S < path to installed seqtk >
-O < /path/to/output >
-h <help>
example CMD line:
- Please set -I to 1 if you donot have bwa indices of the two haplotype assemblies.
/usr/bin/bash HTB.sh -M Input_MAT_conitg.fasta -P Input_PAT_contig.fasta -1 Input_Hi-C_R1.fq.gz -2 Input_Hi-C_R2.fq.gz -N 10 -B /share/app/bwa-0.7.12/bwa -S /share/app/seqtk/1.3/seqtk -O /path/to/output/ -I 1
- Please set -I to 0 if you already have bwa indices of the two haplotype assemblies.
/usr/bin/bash HTB.sh -M Input_MAT_conitg.fasta -P Input_PAT_contig.fasta -1 Input_Hi-C_R1.fq.gz -2 Input_Hi-C_R2.fq.gz -N 10 -B /share/app/bwa-0.7.12/bwa -S /share/app/seqtk/1.3/seqtk -O /path/to/output/ -I 0