This is the repository of the competition programming project ws 2019 for bachelor and master students of the bauhaus-university weimar.
The aim of the project is to learn several different programming techniques, solve a variety of different problems and learn how to solve problems under time constraints.
For every problem from that a participant of the project tries to solve, he has to create a folder with this id of the problem as the name of the folder.
Also he takes the task for this problem from the "Tasks" column and moves it into the "In Progress" column.
If there is no task for this problem he creates a task for this problem in the task column.
For this he addes a node in which he writes the if of the problem and the link of the website aswell as his name.
Example: If participant A tries to solve the problem with the id 15, he creates the folder "15".
He then goes to the project site (
and looks if there exists a task for this problem. If the tasks exists he moves the task to the "In progress" column.
If the tasks does not exist he creates a task which looks like this:
"Problem: 15 \n \n To be solved by: A"
Within this folder he creates a folder with his name. If two or more people work on a problem they create a folder with each name of the participants that a concatinated via "-".
Example: Participant A thus creates a folder "A" within the folder "15".
Example: Participant A and participant B create a folder "A-B" within the folder "15".
Within this folder he commits his code.
It is a good practice to commit changes regularly and helps in the later evaluation.
If a problem was solved the folder with the name of the participant is to be renamed to the name of the participant concatinated by "-Solved". Also the Participant moves the card for this problem from the "In progress" column to the "Solved" column.
Example: Participant A solves the problem with id "15" and renames the folder "A" to "A-Solved".
He then goes to the project site ( and moves the card for
this problem from "In progress" to "Solved"
Example: Participant A and B solve the problem with id "15" and renames the folder "A-B" to "A-B-Solved".
A or B then goes to the project site ( and moves the card for
this problem from "In progress" to "Solved"