Releases: BarthPaleologue/CosmosJourneyer
Cosmos Journeyer 1.8.0
The new version of Cosmos Journeyer is online at You can also install the app built using Tauri.
New feature
Interstellar travel is now seamless. Select a destination on the star map, then point your ship in the right direction and engage!
Quality of Life
- Added notification system to contextually help players with key bindings
- Throttle is easier to understand with a progress bar rather than using two percentages
- Reorder bindings order in settings panel
- Settings panel now has complete keybindings and is also accessible from the pause menu
- Contribute panel is also available inside the pause menu to make bug reporting easier
- Smoother spaceship controls
- Removed confusing and useless flight assist
- Fixed starmap bug that would wrongfully change the destination system right when clicking on the set destination button
- All post processes now support HDR
- More documentation
- Prevent triggering actions for the spaceship when on foot and vice-versa
- Reduced package size by fixing broken tree shaking
- Improved performance of engine plumes
- Improved black hole lensing effect
- Fixed potential memory leak in surface creation
- The depth renderer is only created once and reused when changing the camera
- The post process manager is only created once and reused when changing star system
- The post process manager only manages a single pipeline at a time
- Fixed readme typo
Cosmos Journeyer 1.7.1
The new version of Cosmos Journeyer is online at You can also install the app built using Tauri.
- improved spaceship 3d model
- fixed plume issue that would not reach full thrust even at max velocity
- landed spaceship can now take off
- reduced number of plume particles
- added timeouts to CI
Cosmos Journeyer 1.7.0
The new version of Cosmos Journeyer is online at You can also install the app built using Tauri.
- New spaceship 3D model
- Added engine sound when warp drive is disabled
- Changed flight model at low speed to make it easier to pilot. The speed is limited and automatically damped.
- Better sound fade transitions
- Starting a new journey will automatically target the closest body to the center of the screen
- Fixed spaceship rolling when landed
- Reworked engine plume with solid particle system
- Added link to release history to version number on main menu
Cosmos Journeyer 1.6.4
The new version of Cosmos Journeyer is online at You can also install the app built using Tauri.
- Fixed #31
- Improved CI
Cosmos Journeyer 1.6.2
The new version of Cosmos Journeyer is online at You can also install the app built using Tauri.
- Fixed app name
- Fixed icons
- Switch to fullscreen on startup
- Added tauri badge to readme
Cosmos Journeyer 1.6.1
The new version of Cosmos Journeyer is online at You can also install the app built using Tauri.