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Web Design Boilerplate


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Theme Setup
    1. Adtrak Themes ([Tailwind, Twig/Timber], [Gutenberg, Tailwind, Twig/Timber])
    2. Adtrak Theme with Woocommerce
  3. WordPress Settings
  4. Useful Commands
  5. Tailwind CSS
    1. Purge / Just-in-Time Mode
    2. Critical CSS
    3. Defaults
  6. Before Deployment
    1. Building production assets on DeployHQ
    2. Building production assets locally


  1. You need to have composer installed on your machine
  2. You need to have NodeJS 12+ installed on your machine
  3. You need to have NPM installed on your machine
  4. You will need a local working environment (WAMP, MAMP, etc).

Theme Setup

Adtrak Themes ([Tailwind, Twig/Timber], [Gutenberg, Tailwind, Twig/Timber])

  1. Create a new repository on github (lowercase/hyphenated), selecting 'adtrak' as the owner, and clone it to your local machine (git clone [REPO URL] [FOLDER NAME])
  2. Download latest release of WordPress
  3. Extract Wordpress to your new folder
  4. Delete the wp-content folder from your new folder
  5. Download this boilerplate. Copy wp-content and example.gitignore to your folder
  6. Rename the theme folder
  7. Move the robots.txt file from the repository download to the root of your WP install
  8. Update style.css with your client name
  9. Update screenshot.png with the client's branding
  10. Rename example.gitignore to .gitignore and open the file
  11. Edit lines 5, 6 & 7 and replace the theme name to prevent node_modules, dist and vendor files being committed
  12. Create local database
  13. Open the Command Line / Terminal
  14. Change Directory to the theme folder (cd /[FOLDER NAME]/wp-content/themes/[YOUR NEW THEME NAME])
  15. Run npm install
  16. Run composer install
  17. Open gulpfile.js in the theme folder
  18. Edit line ~ 174 to the name of your local site. (e.g. my-new-site.vm)
  19. Save the gulpfile
  20. Visit your new site in the browser and set up Wordpress MAKE SURE YOU USE adtrakwp_ AS YOUR TABLE PREFIX (the wp-config file will be ignored by GIT)
  21. You may need to edit the wp-config.php file to change charset. Add this line if this is the case: define( 'DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4' );
  22. Log in and activate relevant plugins (except WooCoommerce plugins if you're site will not use them - delete these if so)
  23. Activate your theme through the WordPress admin console
  24. Delete the adtrak-skips folder from your theme if you are not using it
  25. Open the Command Line / Terminal and make sure you're in your theme folder
  26. Run npm run dev or gulp
  27. npm run dev will run the development tasks, and won't minify your SCSS nor Javascript
  28. Go to WordPress Settings

For the Gutenberg directions, see the README inside the theme.

Theme Structure

  1. All components (header, footer, phone-top-right etc) can be found in _views/_components
  2. All functions (script enqueuing, Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies etc) can be found in _functions
  3. All page templates (front-page.twig, page.twig, etc) can be found in _views
  4. Images, styles, js and fonts can be found in _resources

Adtrak Theme with Woocommerce

  1. Follow steps 1-23 in the guide above
  2. Go to the Wordpress Admin area
  3. Select 'WooCommerce'
  4. Follow the Woocommerce Set Up Guide, entering your clients details as required
  5. Do not install any of the add ons when prompted
  6. Do not install Jetpack when prompted.
  7. Once complete, you can add payment gateways
  8. Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Payments (tab)
  9. Enable Paypal and Stripe and follow the set up guides
  10. Enable Paypal Sandbox / Stripe Test Mode whilst testing your WooCommerce website
  11. Once complete, you can add products to your website
  12. Select 'Products' -> Add New
  13. Scroll to the Product Data section and select your product options.
  14. Publish your products
  15. Continue to develop our theme
  16. Go to WordPress Settings

WordPress Settings

  1. Permalinks: /news/%postname%/
  2. Discussion: CHECK: Before a comment appears, comment must be manually approved
  3. Discussion: CHECK: Users must be registered and logged in to comment
  4. Discussion: UNCHECK: Allow people to post comments on new articles
  5. Create home page, go to Settings > Reading, and front-page displays your new home page
  6. Create your menus, and change their display locations to suit

Useful Commands

The following are useful locally and when setting up DeployHQ.

npm run dev will run your local development

cd wp-content/themes/your-theme-name
npm install --save --quiet
npm run build

cd wp-content/themes/your-theme-name
composer install

You can use the following to exclude node_modules from your uploads under "Excluded Files"


Tailwind CSS

We have created a Tailwind config file that is easily editable in tailwind.config.js. If you need to add colours, fonts etc., they can be added or edited in this file.

You can access the primary, secondary & tertiary colours by using classes as follows:

Default Light Dark
primary primary-light primary-dark
secondary secondary-light secondary-dark

Feel free to add your own extensions.

You can also use Tailwind colour generators to override standard colours. Using this, for example, means you override text-red-500 with your own hex colour of red, instead of using Tailwind's.

Purge / Just-in-Time Mode

All boilerplates have Just-in-Time mode enabled and so CSS is generated on-demand. If you are injecting classes with JS or via WordPress admin, add your class to the safelist.txt and restart your local development server.

Critical CSS

Due to the minified and purged size of Tailwind, we can inline our CSS completely using the Twig source function. The new head.twig import checks the URL - if its a local URL, it uses a normal stylesheet link. If not, it inlines all your CSS in the head.

This has been done in the adtrak-child-tailwind-twig-timber theme.

In order for your images to work in CSS, simply use the full URL, e.g. background-image: url('/wp-content/themes/my-theme/_resources/images/tick.png');


The default Tailwind config can be found in tailwind.config-default.js. This is included by default, and is purely here for reference.

For more help with Tailwind, don't forget the docs

Before Deployment

Before you deploy a project, you need to build the production assets. To do this you need to run a different gulp command.

It is recommended that DeployHQ handle this.

Building production assets on DeployHQ

  1. Open deployHQ and go to your project
  2. Go to 'Build Pipeline' from the left hand menu
  3. Click 'NPM' from the Template options
  4. In the Command textarea, enter the content below:
cd wp-content/themes/your-theme-name
npm install --save --quiet
npm run build

Remember to change the command if you have changed the theme name!

  1. If you are using Timber/Twig, click 'Composer'
  2. Enter the content below
cd wp-content/themes/your-theme-name
composer install --no-progress

Building production assets locally

This is often good to test locally.

  1. In Terminal / Hyper / CMD, navigate to your theme directory
  2. Run npm run build (you can also use gulp --production if you wish)
  3. Check main.min.css is minified before deployment

Note: it's best that assets are built using DeployHQ