Twitter Basic Functionality with Javascript. Replicating newsfeed section.
- Design a form that allows you to enter a text and a button to "tweet".
- Add a click event to the button or submit to the form.
- In the event, get the text.
- Add the text to HTML.
- Do not enter empty text (disable the "tweet" button).
- Count the number of characters regressively.
- If you pass the 140 characters, disable the button.
- If you pass the 120 characters, show the counter with OTHER color.
- If you pass the 130 characters, show the counter with OTHER
- If you pass the 140 characters, show the counter in negative.
- Add the time the tweet was published. In the 24 hour format: hh: mm ..
All of this requierements were succesfully completed.
*Developed for Laboratoria