A demonstration of a time based Scheduler for Sprite Kit in Swift
Read more about this at my blog.
A scheduler for Sprite Kit that allows you to write code with a fluent API.
.every(1.0) // every one second
.perform( self=>GameScene.updateElapsedTimeLabel ) // update the elapsed time label
.at(10.0) // ten seconds after game starts
.perform( self=>GameScene.createRandomSprite ) // randomly place a sprite on the scene
.after(10.0) // ten seconds from now
.perform( self=>GameScene.createRandomSprite ) // randomly place a sprite on the scene
.repeat(5) // repeat 5 times
The demo project displays a label that updates every second with how much time has passed in the game scene, and creates two sprites placed randomly on the screen every second.
PS Project was created in XCode 6.3 with Swift 1.2