Code for the test setup for the 2D tensegrity spine vertebra. Includes ROS / computer vision, code for the PSoC microcontroller, and controller calculations.
For writing the PSoC code - use PSoC creator. No particular instructions there. This repo has a nice .gitignore so you can open the workspace directly in this subfolder.
For ROS / actually operating the test:
Writing the inverse kinematics commands: do the following, in order. Be sure to source devel/setup.bash in each.
1) Plug in the PSoC and run >> dmesg. Look for the device name. You'll see a line like
"ttyACM0 : USB ACM Device"
the name of the PSoC device file is /dev/ttyACM0 in this case. Sub in below if different.
2) open a new terminal >> roscore
3) open a new terminal >> rosrun spine_controller /dev/ttyACM0
4) open a new terminal >> rosrun spine_controller /dev/ttyACM0 invkin_tx_commands
5) open a new terminal >> rosrun spine_controller path-to-data-file
For the last line, an example would be, if you're in the ...spine_controller/src directory,
>> rosrun spine_controller ../data/invkin_results_2d_28-Nov-2018_15-25-20.csv
You'll see output in the serial_rx_echo window.
To shut down: Ctrl-C in each window, in the reverse order of startup.
To manually control the PSoC / send it commands, at any time, open another terminal and source devel/setup.bash, then
>> rosrun spine_controller /dev/ttyACM0
(hint: sending 'w' prints a welcome message from the PSoC w/ list of commands.)