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Welcome to my page! Do check out my project currently hosted right here.
Tic-tac-toe is a web app game project that is built on HTML5, CSS3, ES6+ vanilla JS. Most features of this game app utilizes the DOM manipulation to respond and renders user interaction.
Have fun & feedbacks on this project are always welcome!
Design logic for winning & visually display which player won
Switch turns between more than one player
Use semantic HTML5 & CSS3 markup
Use Javascript for DOM manipulation
Render the game in the browser
And lastly, deploy the game online where the rest of the world can access it! Happy coding!🚀
P.S: Hover state features is not applicable on touchscreen devices, as it is only available through hovering over with a cursor, such as a mouse device.
Flexbox & Grid for page layout
Hover & active states for the interactive elements of the page
Functionality features through manipulation of the DOM, using Javascript and Event Handlers
Render the user tokens with visual effects on click, such as drawing the Xs & Os, instead of statically appearing.
Keep track of multiple game rounds with a win and tie counter
Game customizable options, time limits, game rounds, name & profiles
Customizable user tokens (X, O, name, picture, avatar)
In-game sound effects
P.S: This is a non-exhaustive list. More features might be added to this list in the future as improvements are made to the game.
Icons made by Freepik on Flaticon
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