Download data from the Best Buy Catalog API in bulk from the command line.
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Best Buy Bulk Download Tool (
Usage: bestbuy [resource] [options]
bestbuy categories
bestbuy products --query "active=true" --show "name,sku" --output products.json
bestbuy stores --format xml --output stores.xml
bestbuy stores --query "region=GA&storeType='outlet center'" --output stores.json
resource resource to download: products, categories, stores
--query, -q use a custom query to filter the results (ampersand separated)
--show, -s fields to show (comma separated)
--sort, -r sort results by fields (comma separated)
--key, -k Best Buy API key (default: "BBY_API_KEY environment variable")
--format, -f format of the response as json, xml, csv or tsv (default: "json")
--output, -o name of file to send output (optional; If not present, out will go to stdout)
--bare, -b newline delimited - each item on own line without extra cruft (default: false)
--version, -v show version information
--help, -h show help
Visit the Best Buy API Documentation for more details on writing custom queries.