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Billlynch authored Oct 19, 2018
1 parent 40b2343 commit b4b7b5b
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Showing 16 changed files with 34,746 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions Buttons.s
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
; Button Library
; Bill Lynch
; Version: 0.5
; 7th Feb 2017
; Button Library includes an SVC call to get the button state. As well as code
; which will be run when an interrupt for the corresponding button is produced.
; N.B. : The code for the button press will be run in IRQ mode.
; Last modified: 14/2/2017 (BL)
; Know bugs: None

;=================================SVC Mode Code=================================
;This returns the value of the button memory location in R0
chk_buttons LDRB R0, [R4, #BUTTONS] ;load the value into R0
B SVC_Complete ;Return to SVC cleanup function

;=================================IRQ MODE CODE=================================

;---------------------------------Lower Button----------------------------------
lower_button_code B .

;----------------------------------Upper Button---------------------------------
upper_button_code B .

113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions Definition.s
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
; Definitions
; Bill Lynch
; Version: 0.1
; 18th March 2017
; This provides an area to declare any tables or data which to be used by the OS
; Last modified: 12/05/2017 (BL)

;===============================Stack Definitions===============================
;This is the definitions for the bit code for the modes
USR_mode EQU &10 ;Hex for the User Mode
FIQ_mode EQU &11 ;Hex for the FIQ Mode
IRQ_mode EQU &12 ;Hex for the IRQ Mode
SVC_mode EQU &13 ;Hex for the SVC Mode
ABT_mode EQU &17 ;Hex for the ABT Mode
UND_mode EQU &1B ;Hex for the UND Mode
SYS_mode EQU &1F ;Hex for the SYS Mode

;================================SVC Definitions================================
max_SVC EQU &C ;Number of SVC calls

;================================IRQ Definitions================================
;This is the definitions for the codes which are written in the table.
;These are the bit codes which identify an interrupt for these devices:
timer_interrupt EQU &01 ;The timer interrupt
spartan_interrupt EQU &02 ;Spartan FPGA
;vertex FPGA and Ethernet not fitted so left out
ser_RD_rdy_interrupt EQU &10 ;SERIAL RxD ready
ser_TD_avail_interrupt EQU &20 ;SERIAL TxD available
Upper_button_interrupt EQU &40 ;Upper button
lower_btn_interrupt EQU &80 ;Lower button

n_avail_interrupts EQU &6 ;This is the number of
;different interrupt devices


;===============================Timer Definitions===============================
TIMER_CMP EQU &C ;Timer compare memory location offset.

;==============================Keypad Definitions ==============================
IO_Location_keypad EQU &20000004 ;Memory location for the fans

BUFFER_SIZE EQU &0F ;The size of the buffer in HEX
IO_Location EQU &20000000 ;Memory location for the fans

Bottom_line EQU &80 ;The top line of the Keypad
Middle_line EQU &40 ;The middle line of the keypad
Top_line EQU &20 ;The bottom line of the keypad
;The value the debouncing will be when the button is:
BTN_NOT_PRESSED EQU &00 ;not pressed

;==============================Button Definitions ==============================
BUTTONS EQU &04 ;memory offset for R0
BUT_TOP EQU &40 ;Bit pattern for top button
BUT_BOTTOM EQU &80 ;^ button button
BUT_EXTRA EQU &08 ;^ extra button

;=============================Peripheral Definitions============================
IO_BASEADDR EQU &10000000 ;Base address for the IO
DATA EQU &0 ;Data offset Port A
CONTROL EQU &4 ;Control offset Port B
TIMER EQU &8 ;Timer offset

;This is the bit code for the interrupts - used for the mask and detection
TIMER_CMP_INT EQU &01 ;Timer compare
SERIAL_RD_RDY_INT EQU &10 ;Serial RxD available
UPP_BUTTON_INT EQU &40 ;Upper button
LOW_BUTTON_INT EQU &80 ;Lower button
ALL_INT_EN EQU &FF ;Enable all interrupts

;Note the base address for these is in Peripheral.s
Interrupt_data_port EQU &18 ;Offset for the interrupt
;port this will show what
;IRQs made the interrupt.
Interrupt_msk_port EQU &1C ;Offset for masking bits
;for the Interrupt
IRQ_CPSR_BIT EQU &80 ;Bit to enable/disable IRQ
;in the CPSR
FIQ_CPSR_BIT EQU &40 ;Bit to enable/disable FIQ
;in the CPSR

;===============================Halt definitions================================
Halt_Address EQU &20

;================================Fan Definitions================================
fan0 EQU &01 ;The binary code for fan0
fan1 EQU &02 ;The binary code for fan1
fan2 EQU &04 ;The binary code for fan2
fan3 EQU &08 ;The binary code for fan3
fan_all EQU &0F ;The binary code to select all fans
speed_up EQU &01 ;The instruction to set 'speed' up
speed_down EQU &00 ;The instruction to set 'speed' down
speed_read EQU &10 ;The 'speed' read bit
fan_speed_addr EQU &20000000 ;The address of the fans
fan_sel_addr EQU &20000002 ;The fan selection address

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions IRQ.s
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; IRQ handler
; Bill Lynch
; Version: 0.1
; 10th March 2017
; The holds the function that is called on an interrupt. This works out what
; the interrupt was, and calls the corresponding method. Also provides a return
; point to tidy up after.
; Last modified: 10/05/2017 (BL)
; Know bugs: none
;This function will be called when an interrupt happens. It will use the data
; port to decide which interrupt to jump to.
IRQ_start SUB LR,LR,#4 ;Get the return address
PUSH {R0-R4,LR} ;Push the registers to be used here to the stack
;read the interrupt Line
MOV R3, #IO_BASEADDR ;Load the base address for the IO
LDR R0, [R3,#Interrupt_data_port];Get the data that caused the interrupt

ADR R4, interrupt_table ;load the interrupt table
MOV R2, #&00 ;initialise the offset
;This loop goes though the interrupt table and look at all possible interrupts to run the code for it
interrupt_loop LDRB R1, [R4,R2] ;load the current interrupt to look at
TST R0,R1 ;Test to see if this interrupt was one that caused it
BNE run_usr_code ;If it was run the code defined for it
next_interrupt ADD R2,R2,#&01 ;increment the offset
CMP R2,#n_avail_interrupts ;Check to see if all have been looked at
BLT interrupt_loop ;Not all looked at - go round again
;If all the interrupts have been looked at then clear the interrupt data port and return
;clear the interrupt port and finish up
MOV R0, #&00 ;Load no interrupts
STR R0, [R3,#Interrupt_data_port];Store this in port
POP {R0-R4,PC}^ ;Return to the
;interrupted line

run_usr_code PUSH {R0-R4} ;Push the state of the interrupt routine
ADR R4,interrupt_code_table ;Load the table of where to jump to
LDR PC, [R4,R2, LSL #2] ;Move the PC to the code to run for this interrupt
IRQ_code_done POP {R0-R4} ;This will be the return of the code - restore the state
B next_interrupt ;Look at the next interrupt

;-------------------------------Memory Definitions------------------------------

;This is the table which holds the bit codes for each of the interrupt types.
;The position of the code to jump to for each interrupt type:
interrupt_code_table DEFW timer_cmp_code ;Timer
DEFW spartan_int_code ;Spartan FPGA
DEFW ser_RD_rdy_int_code ;SERIAL RxD ready
DEFW ser_TD_avail_in_code ;SERIALTxD available
DEFW upper_button_code ;Upper button
DEFW lower_button_code ;Lower button

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