Exploration into After Armageddon Gaiden (SegaCD/MegaCD)
This is just a place where I can jot down whatever information I can glean on when it comes to the SegaCD game, After Armageddon Gaiden: Maju Toushouden Eclipse. I cannot guarantee that a translation patch is possible, but I can do the best I can with what I can do currently.
Table File of After Armageddon Gaiden, containing entries for all hiragana, katakana, kanji, and any dictionary entries used in the game; file uses SHIFT-JIS encoding
This file is identical to the file "eclipse04.tbl" except that it uses UTF-8 encoding
This document shows the names and numbers of files located inside the first file of the game's CD structure, generated by CDMage. Not sure if this is the proper terminology. Also, below the list is the locations of text in the game's files. Files that have the "No apparent text blocks" message below them doesn't appear to have any areas of text within said file. Again, just speculation.
This document shows file names with the *.X extension on any graphics contained therein. While most graphics can be viewed in YY-CHR with the 4BPP MSX codec enabled, some visible graphics can be viewed with the 1BPP 8x8 codec enabled. Files with the *.BIN extension didn't contain any visible uncompressed graphics, but it's possible that some might be compressed. That's currently unknown at this point and is just pure speculation on my part. Files with the *.GRP extension weren't scanned in YY-CHR yet.
These text files originated inside the game's file structure. They appear to be easter eggs left by the game's developers for whatever reason.
(SCD) After Armageddon Gaiden - Maju Toushouden Eclipse RAW
This is a directory containing raw script dumps of the game's text in script files. These script files are not compatible with Atlas and the text was dumped using the RAW option. This was the only way I can get the game's script in text files without tinkering with the game's text pointer table system (if any) whose function hasn't been completely deciphered at the type of this update. All script files were dumped from the smaller files in the game's file system... all of which were from .GRP files... except for text located in INITDATA.BIN and BAT_DATA.BIN. The text strings located in those files appear to be names of items, locations, equipment, monsters, etc. (Again, speculation)