Goal Feed is a web app that let's you check highlights on recent professional soccer (football) matches that you didn't get to watch.
Goal Feed is built using:
- Javascript
- JQuery 3.3.1
Super easy - If your match is in the most recent games, hover over the game to pull up the highlights. If you don't see the game you're looking for, go ahead and search for your team in the search bar to find it.
This app uses a single API call to get a list of recent matches from ScoreBat. This list is then filtered based on what the user enters into the search field.
API provides multiple video links sometimes - create sliding panel for these instances
Highlighting on currently hovered match
Animate added matches after clicking show more
Nav bar at the top for finding games by tournaments / viewing standings in different leagues
Media queries for mobile friendly usage
Add a favorite team that takes priority on the game feed