Spring & Summer 2021
Go Girl! is a collaborative project between Girls Inc Metro Denver and CU’s Blueprint Boulder. Girls Inc Metro Denver is a nonprofit helping girls in the Denver area to be strong, smart, and bold. Due to the pandemic, much of Girls Inc’s programming was halted -- this project aims to provide a sustainable platform for Girls Inc to host their content virtually, and continue to serve girls around Colorado.
The website is built on Wordpress as an extension of the main Girls Inc website. It can be found at the URL listed below, and is powered by Gravity Forms and PHP. The current site hosts Healthy Sexuality content as specified in the initial scope of the project, though it has been designed to be easily extensible for other types of content.
URL: https://www.girlsincdenver.org/bb-girls_inc_game/
- Virtually host Girls Inc Metro Denver’s programming to continue reaching girls around Colorado amid the pandemic
- Provide a maintainable content-hosting platform using tools that Girls Inc is familiar with
- Gamify the experience to promote usage among Girls Inc participants
The full documentation has been provided to Girls Inc Metro Denver. If you are an open source contributor, fellow tech-for-social-good enthusiast, or in general are interested in learning more about this work without the intent of making a profit, please reach out to Girls Inc Metro Denver or Blueprint Boulder at [email protected] to get architecture specifications.