Built by Eddie Kennedy, Connor MacDonald and Kelsey Kronmiller for Spring Hack Day 2017.
Displays Most Popular Globe content, along with basic stats on popular referrers and comments. Leverages the styles for Big Article templates built by the Sites team for Big Article template, and the API built for the Sports 2.0 project.
npm install
Download dependencies (you'll need NPM)npm start
Start the development environment (localhost:9000) This will start the node server and the webpack watch loop for styles/js. Currently there is no JS for the app.- Get a sample of data to put into the
directory. See either Eddie or Connor for this.
- Node/Express - Server
- Pug - Templating
- Webpack SASS (Because #hackday)
- Offline browsing
- Taxonomy specific data
- Get server to send transformed JSON data instead of HTML
- Automate the data ingestion