To do:
- Script on the R side to create all the figures
- Arrange for the figures to be copied to or created within the paper DropBox directory
MATLAB operations
- Install ToolboxToolbox (github/toolboxhub/ToolboxToolbox).
- Check out this project into the ToolboxToolbox projects directory, and also github/BrainardLab/OLApproach_Psychophysics.
- Run tbUseProject('MeLMSens');
- This reads the raw data from DropBox and saves processed data into the local (within this repo) data directory- 'exportAlSplatterToCSV` - This reads the raw splatter data from DropBox and saves processed data into the local (within this repo) data directory
- Make individual figures:
R operations
- Install R if not already present (e.g., Use latest version from
- Install RStudio (
- Launch
- Install R packages:
a) In RStudio, select the "Packages" tab in the bottom right panel
b) Click the "Install" button at the top of the panel
c) In the text entry box, type
tidyverse, here, plyr
and then press install. d) Type 'Yes' when asked about whether you want to install e) Do not be alarmed by the crawl of red text in the console window - Within RStudio:
a) From the top right corner, choose "Open Project..."
b) Select the file "MeLMSens.Rproj" that is in the top level of the MeLMSens project repo
c) To create the results figures: In the RStudio console window, type:
d) To create the threshold splatter figures: In the RStudio console window, type:source('R/splatter.makefig.R')
Data availability
The directory data/experimental
constains the csv files produced by the routine exportAll.m
operating upon the "raw" experimental data files. The CSV files contained in this GitHub repo are the basis of the figures and results presented in:
- Vincent, J., Haggerty, E. B., Brainard, D. H., & Aguirre, G. K. (2021). Melanopic stimulation does not alter psychophysical threshold sensitivity for luminance flicker. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-15.
The raw data files are in the form of MATLAB binaries, and consist of "acquition" files that contain the results of behavioral performance and stimulus ordering and timing, and "materials" files, that are measurements of the spectral properties of the stimuli and the apparatus. This set of "raw" data files is ~100 GB, and we do not currently have an option for a permanent public hosting location for these. We are happy, however, to provide if asked.