Repo for scripts that enable bulk minting from mintr without a full node (looped minting)
1. run the pertinent install script ( for mac and linux, install.ps1 for windows)
2. run the command provided by Mintr
Mint NFTs using Mintr Bulk Mint Companion
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-nn STRING, --network_name STRING
Name of the blockchain network (mainnet or testnet10) (default: testnet10)
-i INTEGER, --wallet_id INTEGER
ID of the wallet to use (default: None)
-ra STRING, --royalty_address STRING
Address to send royalty payments (default: None)
-rp FLOAT, --royalty_percentage FLOAT
NFT royalty percentage fraction in basis points. Example: 175 would represent 1.75% (default: 0)
-m FLOAT, --fee FLOAT
Transaction fee in network currency (default: None)
-mf STRING, --metadata_file STRING
Path to metadata file (default: bulk_mint_metadata.csv)
-t BOOLEAN, --nft_targets BOOLEAN
Whether to mint NFTs to targets (default: False)