- Amend last commit message from command line
- Amend / replace author on old commits
- Change tab width when doing git diff
- Delete remote branch
- Display a pretty Git commit tree
- Pull newest changes, replacing local files
- Check for the existence of something in a deeply nested object
- Convert string to a bit string / array
- Increment and initialize counter
- Restore a modified console object
- Append crontab row
- Bulk rename files using bash
- Change date of a file
- File manipulation using sed
- Find files by size
- Find largest X in path
- Show external IP
- Get a server/instance physical memory
- Create gzip files of each subdirectory
- Generate a histogram using awk
- Kill processes matching a string
- Redirect IPs requests
- Bulk restore missing file extensions
- Sorted file diff
- Unhide lots of . files
- Change network mac address
- Delete a specific TimeMachine backup
- Exclude something from Dropbox
- List USB (lsusb) for OSX
- Prevent sleep with Caffiene
- Text to speech using say
- Conditional exception handling
- Use Python to create a minimal HTTP server
- Use Python to make JSON pretty
To quickly create the table of contents based on the .md files found, run ./make_toc.sh
I shamelessly stole this idea from jbranchaud/til, who shamelessly stole it from thoughtbot/til.
© 2015-2022 Bray Almini
This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE
for details.