This is a software that provides an interface that adapts to each resolution by adapting it in a 1:1 ratio
It has line wrapping so that the words do not go off the screen
To create new templates, just access
and add all the ones you want
The parameters to be modified are explained below.
go to cmd or preferably powershell and type
pip install moviepy
pip install pillow
If you get any error update pip with
pip install --upgrade pip
And download Visual C++ Build Tools
just access the
file and put the text and the template number with which you want to convert the videos
from auto_movie import Video_n_Text
#define the template text and number
text = "Hi, how are you! ✨"
Video_n_Text.create_videos(text=text, template_number=5)
If the process of rendering the video to see the result is slow for you, there is the option of generating the result in a png.
from subs import make_text
img = make_text(text=text, font="fonts/proxima-nova-7.ttf", stroke_width=3.5, bg_mode="square",
stroke_color="#154F3B", color="#42F5E2", background="#ceccca")"subs.png")
text: Here is the text font: file path, supports ttf and otf format stroke_width: font border size stroke_color: border color color: text color background: background color bg_mode: background mode can be "rounded" or "square", If it is none it will have no background
A new feature allows you to set hexadecimal colors instead of complicated tuples as was previously the case, allowing for faster template development
You can edit or add more templates in the
file, just modify the metadata in the dictionary (template) you want
templates = [
# example template
{"font":"fonts/proxima-nova-7.ttf", "color":"#fff",
"stroke_width": 3.5, "stroke_color": "#000",
"background": False, "bg_mode": None},
In the
file you can make some settings like the maximum length of text in one line
class Video_n_Text:
"Configure ✔"
path_in = "videos"
path_out = "result"
#maximum characters to display on one line
max_characters = 20
The files will be saved in the output folder if the folder does not exist it will be created