167089 commits
to current
since this release
✨ New
- Added an option to about:preferences to prevent pinned tabs shrinking to icon size.
- Added options to about:preferences to allow new tabs to be opened after all existing tabs.
✔ Fixed
- Google, Startpage and Yahoo! search suggestions should now display again.
- bloomberg.com should no longer display an out of date browser warning.
- White bar no longer visible at the bottom of the window when using light themes.
- More AVIF image types are now supported, which fixes issues of images not rendering on websites such as The Daily Mail.
- G4.0.5.1: Tabs toolbar and status bar will now be appropriately coloured when tabs toolbar set to bottom display with a dark theme.
- G4.0.5.1: Tabs toolbar set to bottom display will now collapse correctly when entering DOM fullscreen mode (e.g. fullscreen video).
- G4.0.5.1: Widget text in the status bar will be coloured correctly with dark themes.
ℹ️ Changed
- The default Lepton theme has been upgraded to its latest version, with improved visual changes.
- The Firefox themes are now more identifiable by name.
- The Firefox Modern Dynamic theme has now also been added.
❌ Unresolved
- The status bar does not include default items (zoom, full screen, screenshot).
- Addon version numbers are not displayed next to their title in