When you use the IDENTITY properties in your tables, you can get the message: 'Arithmetic overflow error converting IDENTITY to data type...' In other words - the free IDs have ended up on the column. Typically, for an INT data type, you exceeded the value of 2 147 483 647.
But no only for INT. Below are all types of data that this may apply to:
Data type | Min | Max | Storage |
Int | -2,147,483,648 | 2,147,483,647 | 4 Bytes |
Bigint | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 | 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | 8 Bytes |
Smallint | -32,768 | 32,767 | 2 Bytes |
Tinyint | 0 | 255 | 1 Byte |
Decimal(38,0)/Numeric(38,0) | -9999...9999 (max 38 nines) | 9999...9999 (max 38 nines) | 17 Bytes |
It's good to know when it will happen. The usp_CheckIdentityValue procedure will help you with this.
The following solution is based on the article by Frank Kalis:
My version of this solution is just to predict when you run out of identifiers.
This is the Polish version of this project:
@database (sysname) - where it put the history of checks (database must be exist) - default 'tempdb'
@schema (sysname) - schema name of history (if not exist - it will create it) - default 'identity'
@LevelAlert (tinyint) - there is a level (%) after which you will be alarmed that your IDs will end - default 95 percent
@MonthAlert (tinyint) - how many months before saturation of identifiers you have to be notified - default 3 months
@dbmail_profile_name (nvarchar(200)) - the name of your database mail profile (to send notifications) - default NULL
@email_recipients (nvarchar(max)) - who receive emails with report about problematics columns - default NULL
You use this table if you want to exclude some columns from checking for some reason:
Exec [master].[dbo].[usp_CheckIdentityValue] @dbmail_profile_name = 'mail_profile', @email_recipients = 'miros(at)poczta.fm'
We assume that we have a DBMail profile called mail_profile and the user miros(at)poczta.fm will receive a report if at least one of the columns with the IDENTITY property is filled in 95% or 100% has been filled less than 3 months. The data of both tables will be stored in the tempdb database.
User miros(at)poczta.fm will receive report like bellow:
Exec [master].[dbo].[usp_CheckIdentityValue] @database = 'MyDB', @schema = 'RANGE', @LevelAlert = 80, @MonthAlert = 6, @dbmail_profile_name = 'mail_profile', @email_recipients = 'miros(at)poczta.fm'
The user miros(at)poczta.fm will receive a report if at least one of the columns with the IDENTITY property is already filled in 80% or 100% of the filling has been less than half a year. The MyDB database and the RANGE scheme have been selected as the place for data storage (if there is no such scheme, it will be created).
Exec [master].[dbo].[usp_CheckIdentityValue]
The report will not be sent, but the status of the columns can be previewed directly by a query:
,[identityvalue_consumption_in_percent] * 100.000 AS [identityvalue_consumption_in_percent]
,CONVERT(CHAR(10), [expected_date_of_filling], 121) AS [expected_date_of_filling]
FROM [tempdb].[identity].[IdentityCheck]
ORDER BY [identityvalue_consumption_in_percent] DESC;
The following data will appear next to the name of the database, schema, table and column:
The database administrator needs tools that will run in the background. For this reason, we will not manually run the procedure on our systems, we should only create a SQL Agent job, which will review the IDENTITY columns once a day and send a report if necessary.
Change only the following configuration of job:
-- Job configuration --
DECLARE @OwnerLoginName NVARCHAR(200) = N'sa';
DECLARE @EmailOperatorName NVARCHAR(200) = N'MSSQL Admins';
-- usp_CheckIdentityValue configuration --
DECLARE @dbmail_profile NVARCHAR(200) = N'mail_profile';
DECLARE @email_recipients NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'[email protected]';
DECLARE @DestinationDatabase NVARCHAR(200) = N'tempdb';
DECLARE @DestinationSchema NVARCHAR(200) = N'identity';
DECLARE @LevelAlert NVARCHAR(3) = N'95';
DECLARE @MonthAlert NVARCHAR(3) = N'3';
Procedure of installation:
- Download scripts: latest release zip
- Install usp_CheckIdentityValue procedure.
- Edit Identity_RANGE_CREATE_JOB.sql script and run it.
- And forget about it :)
And suddenly, on a beautiful day you will receive an unexpected email about the ending range of identifiers ... Remember then that you could find out about it during the failure analysis.