A soft-renderer built from scratch using C++ 11
A soft-renderer built from scratch using C++ 11. The course project of computer graphics course in the School of Software (Media Arts and Sciences Direction) of Tongji University in the spring and summer semester of the 2020-2021. This project is supervised by Professor Jinyuan Jia. The dev team members are Kaibin Zhou, Jiajie Li, Xiaoyu Jia and Lai Ye.
- SDL2:for GUI
- GLM:for mathematical operations
- stb_image:for image operating
- assimp:for 3D model importing
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd bin
- Render Pipeline
- A GLSL-like Shader
- Vertex Shader
- Fragment Shader
- Lighting model:
- Phong Lighting Model
- Diffuse Texture+Specular Texture+Bumped Normal Texture
- Transparent:
- Alpha Test
- Alpha Blend
- Light Source:
- Directional Light
- Point Light
- Spot Light
- Multi Light Source
- Shadow:
- ShadowMap
- Postprocessing:
- Bloom
- Tinyrenderer:https://github.com/ssloy/tinyrenderer
- TinySoftRenderer:https://github.com/ZeusYang/TinySoftRenderer
- Modern OpenGL Tutorial:https://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/modern-opengl-tutorial/
- Learnopengl:https://learnopengl-cn.readthedocs.io/zh/latest/
- Unity Shader:https://github.com/candycat1992/Unity_Shaders_Book/tree/master/Assets/Shaders